sun Sunlight requirements...

Hey guys, quick question about sunlight requirements. I have about 70 plants outside in containers now. They've been outside for about 1.5 weeks and I've only lost one so far (a Thai hot). I have them all against one of the wall of my house which stays in shade all day long. I guess I've been afraid to put them in direct sunlight. So I guess my questions are:

1. How long should transplants acclimate until they can get direct sunlight (my work schedule does not permit me to give them test runs of 4-5 hours per day)?
2. Are you supposed to keep your eye on the weather report and move them to shaded areas when the temp is going to be above a certain amount?
3. Are there significant differences in the amount of sunlight a pepper likes....annums versus chinense, etc?

Hopefully this will start a good debate! Thanks in advance.
I usually set my starts at the rear of a covered porch that faces east where they get morning sun until around 10:30. They stay there for 2 days where they also get some wind protection, then start a gradual week long march toward the front of the porch which adds about an hour of sun each step. Then they get moved off of the porch and are shielded from the 3:00PM sun for a few days and by then they are ready to take on the world. :lol:

If temps drop below 45F they are brought back inside.