food Super hot cornbread stuffing

2 pkgs Jiffy cornbread mix ( + 2 eggs and 2/3 cup milk)
chicken broth or turkey broth made from giblets
2 cans oysters (optional)
1 cup portabella mushrooms - diced
1/2 onion - diced
2 cloves garlic - diced
1/4 cup super hots diced - or whatever chiles you like.This year I used 3 Bhuts, 3 choc habs, 1 Jonah, and 1 Butch T.
1 tsp ground sage
1 stick melted butter
1 egg

Make the cornbread according to directions, I add 1/2 of my diced chiles to the mix.
Take the turkey giblets - neck included (I elect not to use the liver), place in medium saucepan. Add ~ 2 qts water, garlic, onions, chiles, seasonings (I like jerk seasonings). Simmer for about 1-2 hours on low - do not boil.

When the cornbread is done, cut into ~ 1 inch squares and spread onto a cookie sheet to dry. You can place into a warm oven (~200F to speed this up). They don't have to be dried completely like croutons, only dry enough to allow them to soak up more broth.

Allow the turkey giblet concoction to cool. Remove the meat from the neck, dice the giblets into very small pieces.

In a large mixing bowl, add the giblets to the cornbread. Add the oysters and liquid from the oysters (optional, I know a lot of people despise oysters). Beat one egg, add to the mixture. Melt the butter and add to the mixture. Add remaining chiles, onion, garlic, mushrooms and sage, mix well. Add enough of the broth to wet the cornbread - I add a little, stir, add more until the cornbread has soaked up the liquid. Try not to add more broth than the cornbread can soak up.

Add mixture to baking pan. Cover with foil. Bake at 350F for 45 minutes. Remove foil, bake an additional 10-15 minutes to brown up the top.