Super Hot White Pepper Seeds

I have a few White Habanero seeds that I would share.
I'm growing them for the 1st time myself, so I don't know how white they will be but cmpman1974 knows his stuff !!!!
If you want them PM me and follow SASBE rules--as posted by wayright
I have white 7 pots I got from someone else on here recently but I planted all the seeds. I know 7 pots are superhots so this would be a cross of some sort, and I don't know what the outcome will look like, just mentioning this because they do exist supposedly, but through crosses of some sort it seems. Aside from that I have had white habaneros growing last year, and they're as white as you can get really if you're looking for the color. Dehydrated they took a yellowish tint, but still a good cream color straight off the plant.
White 7 Pots are not a super hot pepper at all. They have some heat, but far from true super hots. Some say they are simply a re-named variety called Giant White Habanero.