• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Super Hots and Hydroponics

Hello All,
I have been lurking around these forums for a while and since I have started trying to grow peppers, I figured a Glog was in order.

Before this attempt, I have grown Jalapenos, Habanaros and Scotch Bonnets all from seed with mixed results. After watching some of the videos done by FBI, I became curious about just how hot peppers can get......and after a little research, ordered a few seeds.

Seeds I have and vender:
Carolina Reaper, Puckerbutter
7 POD Brain Strain Red, Pepper Lover
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, Pepper Lover

I took 5 random seeds from each package and I am trying to grow them.

Growing Method to Date:

The seeds were recieved in October and spent a bunch of time laying on the counter.
December 22nd, put the seeds in the fridge for 3 days as I read somewhere to simulate winter.

December 26th, the seeds were soaked in water for 48hrs at 80F (I have a heating pad with regulator, put the sensor in the water).

December 28th, the seeds were put in between sheets of paper towel and kept saturated at 80F in covered tray (sensor measuring air)

January 3rd, the first sprout was seen and it was a Carolina Reaper, that makes it 8 days to germinate from start of soak! :)

January 6th, I transplanted the Carolina Reaper, plus one of each of the others that had germinated into Rockwool cubes soaked in 1/4tsp per Gallon of Flora Nova Grow from General Hydroponics. I soaked 10 cubes in total and will transplant the seeds as they germinate. I have covered the tray with platic wrap, leaving one side open a crack and left the temp at 80F (sensor measuring air temp).

I have the parts for a hydroponics table on the way and they should be here before the plants are in need.