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Super Hots flowering already???

Has anyone's Super Hots flowered this early in the growing season? I ordered these from Cross Country Nurseries as I have for years. The ones flowering now are the 7 Pot Douglah and Trinidad Scorpion. I'm in South Carolina, US. I know the weather has been crazy here. We can wear flip flops and boots in the same week, but this is making me think they were mislabeled because they don't normally flower until September here.
I'm in SC too and have a couple supers (chocolate naga brain strain and 7 pot burgundy) both flowering like crazy. The chocolate naga brain actually has 10 or 12 peppers on it. Of course they were started in doors towards the end of January.
     Sometimes if a plant has spent too much of its early life in a small starter pot, it'll throw out some flowers since it's root bound. The plant figures that since its roots aren't getting any bigger, then neither should the above-ground growth. Basically it is tricked into thinking it's a mature plant, and it's time to start producing seeds.
     After spending some time in the ground or a larger container and the roots get a chance to start growing again, the plant is sent the message that there is more potential for vegetative growth. From the plant's standpoint, this is good since a bigger canopy ultimately means more fruit and seeds. So it stops fruiting and, once again, starts concentrating on becoming a larger plant.
     Or, maybe your plants are just awesome and will continue to pod up all season long! :party:
Ok. I feel better since a fellow Carolinian is having the same issue. It may not be an issue at all. Like Dash 2 said, they may pod up all season long! They weren't root bound when I got them and I promptly planted them in big pots. This season has been a little strange so far. I had tomatoes Last Month!
If the plants are too young, however, they will likely not get too much larger than they are now. I just received my order from Cross Country Nurseries this past week, and immediately pinched off all flowers and most of the buds for this very reason. I transplanted into their final pots yesterday, and some of the buds that had been too small to pinch off a few days ago just fell off. Often a young plant seems to know it's too young and will drop buds and flowers on its own, but not always. Since chile plants only put out pods at the joints of branches, you want a lot of joints. If you look at your plants right now, you'll see there aren't many. Pinching will also help turn its attention back towards vegetative growth. 
Thanks geeme. I've had mine from CCN for over a month now. I wish I could post a pic, but can't seem to be able to figure it out from my phone. They are a decent size-- about a 1.5 - 2 feet tall. My Scotch Bonnet has peppers on it. The thing is, my other plants are doing the same thing. I've had tomatoes on the vine since last month. The plants are so full with tomatoes now that I had to tie them up to hold them up. I even have cucumbers on the vine! My jalapeno plant is over 2 feet tall and is FULL of large chiles, but they are an early season pepper, although not usually this early, so I wasn't that surlrised my those. The Super Hots just caught me off guard! They've never done this before! I looked today and my fatalii, is flowering.
Not really fair for me to chime in, as I've had flowers for almost 3 months.  But the advice about pinching off flowers was too good not to second.  Let those girls grow!
Yes, you have very different weather from where I'm at. Still, if, as you say, you don't even get flowers until September, that's unexpected. I got pods on my superhots as early as late July the past few years. Not a lot, but more than none. Excessively hot weather can cause buds and flowers to drop, and could cause the plant to stop producing buds. It's surprising, though, given where you are that you don't at least have some flowers in spring.
I don't know if they are "supers" or not but I have budding (currently in pinch mode and sick of it already) on Fataliis, Murupi Amarelas, Yucatan white habs, Pimenta de Neyde, and white Bhuts.  I might keep pinching for another week or so then let them do their thing. Almost all my annuums are budding, flowering, and I have one that has pods already.
Ok. I may try pinching. But it would be cool if these babies produced all season long. Thanks!

Ikeepfish, some if those are super hots-definitely the bhuts. You're zone 7a and I'm 7b. I'm wondering if the crazy weather we had has anything to do with it. I'm interested to see if they will produce all season thus giving a bigger than normal yield.
Good luck!