Superhot rankings?

Okay so I'm a tad confused. With all these superhot names flying around who can keep track of whats what? Anyway, all I'm asking for is a clear cut 1,2,3 list of the hottest from the following:
7 Pods (not brain strain or anything, just what you would expect from your basic red 7 pod)
Trinidad Scorpion
Bhut Jolokia
Habanero (Not a super hot, but just to be clear)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
7 Pod Brain Strain (BTW I have no clue if I'm using 7 pot/pod wrong or if they're interchangable or what. Can anyone help out on that either?)
Naga Morich
Devil's Tongue

Thanks so much guys you're really making my life easier on this one.
It depends who you ask and what their response is to the different peppers. Are you limiting yourself to stable varieties or including hybrids that may or may not be stable? Do you just want ones that have been tested independently? Do you mean the hottest a variety can possibly be, or the average heat in that variety? 
It is not the straightforward question you might imagine it to be. 
7-pot or 7-pod. It`s all the same
I guess tristantmc2 gave a list to rank, 1st post, and Ocho Cinco gave a great guess at ranking it.  I think we know that hot peppers will vary and people will respond slightly differently,  That said he isn't going to try and land a plane with this information, I guess we understand it will always be an opinion.
For my thoughts (having only tried 3 of the peppers on the list) I would say Ocho Cinco has it spot on.
Doesn't really matter except for bragging rights.
I'll be growing a few of the newest contenders, but will be dropping some as well.
I don't like the taste of the Butch T, so why waste space?
Won't be growing "common" red Bhuts----because these days, you can get them easily.
Too many rare peppers and interesting unstable crosses to try, and fun projects to attempt to try and grow the top 10.
Oh, reapers, primos, jigsaws, BB7 (hopefully) and a project with all 3 TS Moruga colors----certainly.
But also a bunch of them that can be eaten right off the plant without a bunch of meditation and prayer, while preparing my soul for whatever comes after.
There is, of course, something to this variability thing.  I have had knock-you-over brain strains and brain strains that were only so so . . . maybe just over a hab.
Nigel said:
So I`m not sure I`d have that order. Mine would be,
1. 7-pot brain strain
2. TS Moruga blend
3. Red 7-pot
4. Red Trinidad scorpion
5. Bhut jolokia (depends which strain)
6. Naga morich (depends which strain)
7. Devil`s Tongue
8. Yellow Fatalii
9. Datil
10. Orange Habanero 
Yup,  Brain Strain is one of the hottest
I think I'm in more like Nigel on the list. I think maybe the orange habs are hotter than most Datils but thats about it. For sure, in mutliple taste tests with sometimes 25 people doing the test at the same time, the general consensus was that with growing the Morugas side by side with red brain strains, the BSs were up to 25% hotter than Morugas. Apart from that, they taste a whole lot better and burn longer. Sometimes at different times of the year the heat levels of each change, but when we do these side by side tests, its all relative to each other and that particular time of the year. I would bet that if I sent someone an August Moruga, you would say it was hotter than a November or a February Brain. Then, different plants side by side of the same pepper type will vary in heat. It like with my group of a dozen yellow Brain Stains. We did extensive taste tests with each plant being numbered and found that some were wimpy and about 3 of them were exactly what I was looking for as regards to heat and taste. They all came from the same pod that had a yellow and red taste combined that I have yet to taste with any other pepper. Tell you the truth, that one yellow brain was super hot and would rival the red scorpions on heat. There are hotter peppers than the Morugas. I think maybe 3 or 4, but not on your list. Tom
well, too many variables that come into play, peppers hit individuals differently just as the soil, growing conditions can effect the heat of a pepper. but based on how peppers hit me Jon' list is spot on! i had a brain strain last year that gave me about 15lbs of pods of death.
Nightshade said:
There are like 5 ts morugas now yellow red brown caramel and another just can't remember
I forgot.
It's a new week----new peppers and new colors. ;)
I'll be using the 3 solid colors---red,yellow and brown.
Maybe I'll use burgandy, chartreuse, and peach next year.
Trying to make a 3 pepper bush.
PITA to braid 3 trunks together and keep them all happy.