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Superhot showdown

BEST of the Best! I'm looking for a winner or two. Might be able to sell some pods later in the season. These should be HOT! Almost too many types to list but all Superhot with emphasis on absolute heat. I believe the flavor is connected to the heat. Check out the start. All organic...full heat and sun.
MulchyDreams said:
Having trouble figuring out how to attach images. Any help..on mobile. Just dont see any place to attach files.
I have that same problem on my phone as well, the attach image link button is nowhere to be found. In fact the formatting options dont show up either
Same here I don't think you can post pics on mobile the button isn't even there if you do view full desktop version unless someone knows better than me?
I tried showing the manual way I do it from my phone, but it didn't show up when I posted it. Sorry. I'm no help. Lol
[ img = url.jpg ]

That should work. Just put your image url instead of the url.jpg and take away the spaces, I had to put them in for it to show up.

Either that or [ img ] url.jpg [ /img ]

Go quote a post with an image, and you'll see what I mean.
dub_sauces said:
I have that same problem on my phone as well, the attach image link button is nowhere to be found. In fact the formatting options dont show up either
rstiv4200 said:
Same here I don't think you can post pics on mobile the button isn't even there if you do view full desktop version unless someone knows better than me?
I meant to quote y'all in the above post, just to make sure you'll see it, if you haven't figured out how to post images yet.
Dude, you are officially my new favorite person.  That is friggin awesome.
But I bet those black pipes get HOTTTTTT.  Do you happen to know what the water temp is when you first start watering?
Thank you! Im having a ton of fun with the grow this year. Im really digging the fabric bags. They are 20 gal but seem like more. I got them for just 2 bucks and change a piece. They always seem to have more room to stuff more soil and they breathe which is very noticable especially once combo-ed in with a drip system. The drip is set to water for 5 min each morning and breathes well the whole time. Water is cool and filtered all through food grade piping. I used the woodpecker emitters which are the best presure compensating dripper on the market. I got the 2gph ones. And the presure compensarion ensures an even drip even on a roof. The bags breathe and the soil stays a perfect mosture level to really get the plants in a healthy growth state.
All organic soil. Front yard was dug out 4+ ft down and amended with a truckload of horse manure as well as other things. Went from very compacted and somewhat lifeless to teaming with life and worms. Compost pile keeps the worms pumping.