Superthrive/pepper revial

Hi Guys

After some advice/tips on the use of superthrive.

I have just put on my plants to start waking them up as they are stored indoors. How often should I use on them and how much?


sdw79 said:
I just bought some today and just tried it. I put about 1/2 capfull for a gallon water

WHOW!!!!! TOO MUCH!!!!!!! There is a reason why they say "a drop will do ya". This is manja manja! Just use a dash per gallon and that's it!
Go easy on the supathrive,(1 drop per litre is what I use) to much can really mess up your plants, I only use it in the first month of my plants journey. I also never use it when there are flowers or buds present on the plant, its more of a root growth stimulate in my opinion.
just looked online, and at AU$130 per litre, no wonder you only use a drop!!!

Billyboy, is it readily available here in brisvegas?
i follow the 'weekly weakly' mantra to fertilizing, mine also says 1/4 tsp but i use way less then that (i beleive smidgen is the correct term)