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pod Supposed to be Giant Bhut Jolokia

I have 2 plants from the same seed packet labelled Giant Bhut Jolokia from Pepper Joe. The top 4 are from one plant, the bottom are all from the other. The top row are obviously true Bhut's, but I've been struggling to identify the other plant for a few months now. They're shaped kind of like habaneros to me, but I'm not sure what to think because they're still much hotter than any hab I've had before these. Both are awesome plants, these were ALL harvested today.

I really don't mind the variability as much as the fact that these were the only 2 seeds I was able to germ out of the dozen. I've gotten tons of pods off each plant. I think I've harvested 60+ of the real Bhuts and currently have another 2 dozen unripened pods that should be ready in a couple weeks. The other ones have thicker flesh and lack the bumpiness.
My longest pods have been about 3-4'', but the plant was pruned during vegetation so it's very branchy. I'm thinking that's how I ended up with so many pods, just not quite as large as advertised. But I oven dry them all, waiting to make a batch of powder in a couple months. I've never eaten an entire superhot, I just enjoy growing them.