Sure shocked my F2's bad

I moved most of my F2’s outside on Sunday but left the two with pods already in the grow room so as not to “shock” them.  I sure screwed that plan up by turning on the AC for the first day this year.  It was over 90f in the grow room by afternoon since outside temps have climbed into the low 90’s.  Didn’t give it a thought at all about flipping the switch to AC and slept great at the 72f.  Went to work, came home and walked into the grow room to see almost all leaves had dropped off both plants.  Pods still look good but doubt they will very much longer.  The AC also lowers the humidity greatly, never thought about the sudden change doing what it did to them.
By F2 do you mean over-winter?  F2 means that it is the second generation of a cross (where the F1 cross is interbred with itself).
That sucks nuclieye!
You have big mature plants, they will bounce back quickly.
. Last month, a rat ate all my lower leaves on my over wintered jalapeno plant and left it a flat top.
Now It is just about where it was at then.
What I meant is the pods should be F2 seeds. The plants are F1's native Chiltepin and reaper. Was looking forward to trying a ripe pod and planting.
I have 4 seedlings from seeds you sent me that are just getting their first true leaves. If yours croak, I'll be sure to send seeds. Hard to tell froM the picture- do you notice much difference from the normal Chiltepin & this cross in pod shape & plant growth?
coachspencerxc said:
I have 4 seedlings from seeds you sent me that are just getting their first true leaves. If yours croak, I'll be sure to send seeds. Hard to tell froM the picture- do you notice much difference from the normal Chiltepin & this cross in pod shape & plant growth?
The pods are a little longer and not as simply spheres as native ones so they are certainly changed.  I have lots of seeds left just angry I let the pollinated next strain stress out like this.