• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Survived the early season struggles!

It seems like I've had the chance to learn first hand that much of the advice on this forum is worth its weight in pepper pods. A quick thank you to everyone that offers advice to all of us noobs!

Forgot what it means to be patient this spring and planted half of my starts out in late May (couple of weeks early for zone 5). Mid May temps in the 90s and dry made me feel there was no way there would be a frost so I planted out. Then until mid June temps were below normal, sunlight was in short supply, and we fell 5 inches behind in rainfall. Learned that mulching the garden would help hold moisture in the soil!

Here is what was left of the first group of plants shortly after mulching...


Rough looking bunch. Here they are today after the huge storms, high winds, and torrential rains of late June and early July...


I planted the rest of my starts in a second plot in mid June...


Funny how waiting to plant out til an appropriate time doesn't cost you anything in the long run. Lesson learned!
Here are some Caribbean Red pods!



And some Biker Billy Jalapenos!



Have plenty of Cayenne and Jalapeno M coming. Still waiting on Orange Habs, Serrano, and Hot Lemons.
I just love seeing everyone's pepper gardens growing well. I think we all had a rough spring. Glad to see that they are growing like weeds. :lol:
Thanks for the compliments. I was getting a little nervous.

Weed. Plenty of ditch weed around these parts, but none of the "good stuff."
Plants are looking good mate and I love the pics. Looks like you've got some nice wide open space there!!