food Sweet and Spicy Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Anaheim Chili Peppers

Not sure if anyone ever posted this, but I found this gem the other week, showed THP member Patrick and he couldn't stop staring at the pictures. I plan on making these one day, gotta find Anaheims first, although I may substitute poblanos since a. I have seeds for them, b. they're easily found in supermarkets, and c. they leave a lot more room for stuffing :halo:


Patrick was also saying he's never heard of the beans they use (cannellini), so perhaps someone knows of a viable substitute for those if they're not easily found canned beans. If I had to guess, chick peas seem like a good replacement, since they're used for hummus anyway, they seem to have the same consistency that would be appropriate for this stuffing.



Thanks for sharing, I had to make these, but couldn’t find the cannellini beans, so substituted white beans (2/3) and garbanzo beans (1/3) instead. They were fantastic, just slightly sweet, was expecting them to be sweeter, and the beans with the rest of the ingredients and spices married well together.
