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water sweet trade - 1/25 HP water pump never used, digetal timer two day timer and dimmer switch

Hi all I have a couple of things that I want to trade, the package will run some where between 9 or more pounds depending if you would like another pump motor to go along with the complete motor & pump that I have I bought it to act as a filter pump for a 200 gal. fish tank. I also have a solid brass one way valve, a tank float, a dimmer switch and a digetal timer and a two day timer in its own box. They are all in usuable condition especially the water pump, it cost $110.00 new so I know its just as good as the day when I got it. All the stuff would work well for a hydroponic system.
I will find out the cost of shipping it to you we will work out who will pay the cost of shipping As this trade will be in your favor. I'm interested in some seeds, maybe a couple bottles of hot sauce and some super hot pepper powder. You really can't beat this deal, I will ship it to you and then you will look it over so that you will know I'm not trying to blow you off. So think about it and PM me with a offer I will try and get some pictures of every thing. I will except the best deal offered and will let every one interest who got the trade.
George W.
Hi Queequeg,
I didn't have the book on it anymore so I ended up going to some Home Brew sites as both Grainger and Teel nolonger carry it. The model # is 1P677A Teel Pump, it handles 6.7 gpm at 6ft. of Head and is 1/25 HP
Its 110 Volt at 3500 rpm, it has a magnetic drive with a 5/8 inlet and outlet. The pump head is Teflon and is designed to pump fluids that can not be contaminated which made it a favorite with the Home Brew & Wine people. The other stuff I'm just throwing in I also have a used pump motor which just needs a little TLC. it dosen't have a pump head but can get one for it. it did have a S.S. pump head on it, but it got sold at one point.
George W.
im a sucker for pumps.
i couldnt find any manufacturer specs do you know what its rated duty cycle is?

i cant offer you any sauces or powders, as i dont save many pods off my plants. i mainly let them grow and let the pods fall off to be swept away eventually. all i have is a paltry few bags of dried pods from my first year growing.
i do have tons of seeds tho. probably 30 varieties, not too much in the superhot area, tho i do have a few HB22P seeds left as well as some nagas scorpions etc. ill have to bring them all into the office or something so i can just scan the lables all at once or something.

what i have the most of tho, is random horticultural related equipment. dosing pumps( a pair of pulsatron c's) , lights, reflectors, a sheet of pebble stone aluminum, tons of pvc valves and fittings of all sizes... tons of irrigation equipment an old fertilizer injector(that i was not happy with) irrigation controller, tons of drip emitters, i have some really awsome netafim spray stakes, and drip stakes.

a side note, i love netafims spray stakes, i super highly reccomend them, they spray 3gpm or 6gpm and wet the entire surface of the pot up to like 32" dia. with a single sprayer... best irrigation emiters ive ever used period.

i have a BUNCH of tropof blumats... like 50 of them, i think i droped like 200 bucks on them way back, i still like them, but i switched to a pressurized system so i could get more flexability, and it gave me an excuse to rebuild my system. i have a bunch of john guest fittings and misting heads left over from my high pressure aero setup... i all kinds of electrical components.relays ...time delay relays... large enclosures etc.

its kind of stupid to try to list all my junk that i collect, i spent like 150 bucks last year just for shelving to store it all. if there is someting you are considering buying i might have a solution for you on said shelves.

and of corse theres always cash in addtion to any trade.
Hi again,
I'm a bit suprised that no one else has spoke up. The pump is rated for continous duty besides being used in the beer brewing hobby, people use it for large fish tanks which is what I had bought it for, but ended up getting a bigger pump and a filtration unit.
I guess it will be you that gets the deal. Its mainly a give away as I'm not asking much. I don't need any lights or watering aquipment. I'm trying to down size as I don't need the pumps any more, See what all you got in seeds maybe you can find some ghost pepper hot sauce some where. Where I'm at that kind of hot sauce is impossible to find unless I order it off the internet. The HB22P and scorpion seeds sound interesting, do you have and Primo pepper seed or Brain strain seeds I'm looking for some really scary peppers as I'm trying to get my chiropractor into growing and eating super hots, I have some ghost peppers and some brown habs along with some of the more wild and rare species mostly C. chacoense, C. praetermissum and a wild little baccatum. I'd like to get a Yellow Ghost pepper or some of the crazy hybrids like Chris and the Silver surfer has. I like the ones like black scorpion tougue or Butch T. crosses. Well let me know what you think I'll find out what it will cost to ship things to you.
George W.
lol, you might get better luck getting this moved to the trade sell/ buy forum. grow tech is probably not the best place for this thread. im actually thinking of listing some of those bluemats w/ fittings etc there at some point.

you should also get a picture of the pump up as well, i dont think people understand what you are offering. 7gpm of flow is alot of flow. consider that a wide open garden hose is like 15-20..... a shower head is like 2gpm. theres a ton you could do with a pump like this... NFT, flood and drain... DWC recirculation....
u might even post an add on the site. i think it costs like 2 bucks. i bet you a ham sandwich you could get a REALLY good seed trade for your 2 bucks froms someone wanting to get into a nice hydro grow.

sorry, i dont have much in the way of superhots let alone the more rare varieties you mention. ill double check my mason jar-o seed packs, but im fairly certain i only have the few i mentioned earlier. i should also mention that i bought only a single 10 pack of HB22P, i poped 6 of them, so i only have 4 or 5 for trade.

TBH, i have no real use for a pump like this in the near future, it would be nice if someone who was going to use it got it.

if nobdy wants it after a while ...id be happy to send you what seeds i have along w/ some amazon.com jolokia sauce or w/e. but again i bet you could get a far better deal than that.
Finally got the photos of the pump now all I have to do is see how to down load them here, as this will be my first trying this it might take a couple of trys.
George W.
you are going to need to upload them to a photo sharing website, then link to them here.
buy a membership with THP, then you can just upload through the website itself,

ive got all my seeds here at the office incase you want to take a look. ill scan them when i get a sec.

bam, didnt work out as well as i had hoped... but its better than typeing them all out


the ones that appear as black blocks, are park seed packs... their stuff comes in a dark colored pack so it didnt scan well... they are
pepper gargen salsa hybrid
sweet spot x3r hybrid
pepper habanero (orange)
I got the photos uploaded at Flickr but I'm having trouble linking up it to here I'll try and see if this works if not I'll try something else. http://www.flickr.com/photos/34258864@NO2/sets/72157631515087276/
George W.
in order to display photos on a BB you need to give the BB the URL adress of the photo itself with[/b] tags before and after so the software knows its not just plain text, but rather a direction to an image link w/e

flikr is wierd in that you can share it as a number of different sizes, but the easiest way is to go to the top right and tag the share button, then select the BB code option then select something like 1024x768(max internet friendly image size.). copy all that code and paste it into the post... the forum will see the tags and automatically display the links and images correctly.


9-9-12 Equipment007 by georgew79, on Flickr

9-9-12 Equipment003 by georgew79, on Flickr

9-9-12 Equipment008 by georgew79, on Flickr

9-9-12 Equipment005 by georgew79, on Flickr

9-9-12 Equipment001 by georgew79, on Flickr

9-9-12 Equipment002 by georgew79, on Flickr
Thanks I'm not a computer friendly person as most of this is just a big guess. I tried posting at the trade and sell area, to see if I get any more people who might be interested. I have come down with a bad cold or flue, so I'll be off the forum a day or two till I get to feeling better. At least now you know what I have to offer, all the other stuff is just throw ins if anyone wants them along with the Teel pump.
George W