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Sweet Vs Hot hydro pH? my sweet are thriving at 4.5 while my hot I have kept more like 5.5

Sweet peppers Vs Hot peppers pH for hydro? my sweet are thriving at 4.5, I hadn't checked them for a while and let the pH drop on them, and my hot I have kept more like 5.5 - 5.8 and
have some blossoms but not a lot of pollen

My brain strain has TONS of open flowers, and a general lack of pollen. and that was coming in at 5.3 on pH

Do you think this is pH related. (Please someone with 1st hand experience, not the "I think its this" growers can answer this for me.)

LOL.. not saying 1st timers don't know, but I'm very anxious to get growing more, and this is sort of holding me back.

should I be running lower like my sweet peppers? for PH? they are absolutely thriving on the lower PH.
What are your high and low temps? Many plants the pollen only matures or mostly matures when certain temp requirements are met. example in the heat of the day or in the cooling of night. Not sure about peppers but tomatoes are effected by having night temps to high so pollen withheld and they are in the same family.
Hydro sets up should be 5.5 to 6.5, when you get below you get certain nuterients lock out. Reason some can be thriving is the ppm. What is your PPM sitting at for your hydro set?
there at 1000ppm, for the sweet. I had not downed it yet, like I did with the hots to like 450 recommendation from willard3
but since coming from 1000 to 450 on the brainstrain, they seem to be putting more energy into the flowers not leaves, lower nitrogen
which is looking very promising for them.

I'm using fluorescent daylight bulbs, maybe its just not enough for the hot pepper requirements?

Its in my basement the temp floats right around 72 all the time. I have not seen it say anything else even at 1am or 1pm it stays there.

The flowering just seems to be hitting right on the brain strain though.. they are ALL over... to many to count, the flowers are
opening right up