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tabasco question

my Tabasco plant is nearing 4 feet tall, i had to tie it to a stake, and is still not yielding any flowers. my thai hot, and cayenne all planted around the same time are already past flowering stage and yielding peppers.

from the research i've done i understand my cayenne and thai hot are supposed to be full maturity withing about 60 days, and my tabasco is full maturity in 75 days, but...

i'm estamating that all these plants are about 65 days old, and it hasn't even started budding flowers yet....should i look for some nutes really high in potassium and phosphorus, or should i just let this guy keep running his course?
I just went to my archived photos and checked on the tabascos I grew last year...I didn't get any amount of pods until October and they were planted out in April...I would say just have patience...
I tried growing a Tabasco two years ago and it was really slow to produce (memory serves me it only started flowering about Mid-August). Couldn't get any pods, since it got too cold and wet (Liverpool gets like that...well, pretty much all year round) :(

AlabamaJack is right. Have patience. :)
SO I would assume it is not normal that 3 of my 4 tabasco plants are about to bloom? They were bought a few weeks ago and they had been previously chopped off to about 4 inches above the dirt and are covered with what will be blooms.
they will produce somewhat over the summer but what I found was that the major harvest was in October/NOvember...

here is a pic from 11 October 2008.

Geez! You like green or red best?

Yep, my Tabasco is way behind my other plants too. I've only been picking some smallish green ones for salsa the last couple of weeks. I bet a month from now I'll see a boatload of them. :D

caroltlw said:
AJ: Geez! You like green or red best?

I like the yellowish ones to make peppersauce with but last year I used a mixture of green/yellow/red to make it and it turned out gorgeous...
My tabasco provided a couple fruits here and there throughout the season then towards the end of the season set a massive flush of fruit all at one time.
I have 4 tabascos and they're about a foot and a half tall each right now (been in the ground about 5 weeks, but we got a ton of rain for 3 straight weeks that slowed everything down). One of them has been producing a lot already, but the other three aren't even flowering yet. So I'm guessing based on what everyone else is saying that this is probably normal.

My question though is... with this one that's turning off a lot of fruit already (I've picked probably 10 and there are a lot more), with the fact that it's blooming so much at this size stunt the plant's growth, or will the plant continue to grow while it produces? I've heard some people say it's good to pick early or even cut off buds on young plants so the plant can grow better to maturity, but I've also heard that doesn't matter (for peppers in general, not just specifically tabasco).