Taking the Kids Outside for the First time

First time taking the Kids outside. After giving away a bunch of plants. I have knocked it down to what is left.

About 300 plants.
Peter Red
Peter Orange
Naga Morich
Naga Joloika
Devil's Toung
White Habenaro
Congo Trinidad
Jamican Hot Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate
Jamican Red Hot
Charleston Hot
Trinidad Perfume
2 types of Bells
and a bunch of Mysteria Peppers from Peppermania.

Now I have to figure out how to put all those peppers in this area.
That is so cool that you can all go out...Its still too cold for us to have a field day. Good luck on the space thing. I think I will be facing the same thing here soon. :lol:
Nice Peppers. We still have snow out her in colorado.
Looks like a nice sunny spot you have picked for your plants.
Wow, that is a lot of plants you have there!!! But I concur, good luck fitting them in, but honestly there's positively no way it can be done unless your David Copperfield :)

Just as comparison from my view anyhow, I have at least 3 times that space and only fit in about 80 plants. But of course I don't squeeze plants very tight though, as I like to be able to navigate around good for routine maintainance and picking space. I hate being cramped.
The Space is 9ft wide, and 30ft long. I guess I need to be hiting the Nursery's for 3 & 5 Gallon pots. I am going to be growing all my Tomatos upside down to save space.

I have given away about 500 pepper plants. Every thing I put in Cells, germinated. Next year, I will have over 1 acre just for Peppers. So I am looking at over 1000 ultra Hots next year.
Ya, you're going to run out of room real quick. What kinds of tomatos are you growing, and what are you using for upside-down pots?
I work at Lowes Commerical Sale, so I am using Sheetrock Mud Buckets (5 Gallon size). Just drilled a hole in the bottom of them, but the root ball in and fill with dirt.
For my Upside down Tomato Plants
Red Currant
Red Star

For my Plant in the Ground Tomatos
Big Boy
Better Boy
Amish Paste
Pepp3rFreak said:
Just as comparison from my view anyhow, I have at least 3 times that space and only fit in about 80 plants. But of course I don't squeeze plants very tight though, as I like to be able to navigate around good for routine maintainance and picking space. I hate being cramped.

I'm a crowder. I wish I had room to spread everything out, and maybe someday I'll get enough of the trash trees and Cherry laurels to really spread out, but right now, I plant close and squeeze in to weed and harvest. Then the Lemon basil starts to sprout, and that makes the crowding even worse.