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water Tap water and Calcium

Hi guys, just wanted to ask about pepper plants, calcium and tap water. Will watering from time to time with tap water replenish the soil of things like calcium and other trace metals? I know that water evaporating from my aquarium causes some hard water stains over time so I'm guessing there is calcium in the water. The PH in my area is a bit high though... about 7.5-7.8 so I dont think watering very frequently is a good idea but once in a while for the minerals?
I've got the same problem here; ph 7.68. What I can tell you is that as soon as the rainy season arrived I quit using our village water and there has been a marked improvement in my plants. Also our village water is not drinkable (we buy RO water from my wife's school) and I have no idea what else is in it.
As to calcium; I make my own out of burnt eggshells and vinegar. That will slightly acidify the rain water a little more and hopefully it will keep the soil slightly acidic so the plants will utilize the nutrients well.
Hi guys, just wanted to ask about pepper plants, calcium and tap water. Will watering from time to time with tap water replenish the soil of things like calcium and other trace metals? I know that water evaporating from my aquarium causes some hard water stains over time so I'm guessing there is calcium in the water. The PH in my area is a bit high though... about 7.5-7.8 so I dont think watering very frequently is a good idea but once in a while for the minerals?

Your right that the build up is mostly calcium. If you are growing in containers frequent waterings with hard water could raise the pH of your mix I would think.
With younger plants I always use pH down(nitric or phosphoric acid) till I hit the right range, but having many full grown plants spread around, its not that easy or cheap to do. Since my plants get a mix of well water and rain water, it seems to even thing out and plants usually grow very well for me.
any ways to lower the pH level without having to use ph down? or is there a place i could buy phosphoric acid?

the water here at home is mostly hard water as we use well water and water from the public waterworks (depends on the day) .....
You could use lemon juice or vinegar but nitric and phosporic acid are also useful nutrients for the plants