Taste the Flavor Feel the Heat... how do you use Knepper's sauces?

I just bought a few of Kneppers Peppers sauces, and was just curious how you use them.
I have a bottle of;
Tongue Wrapper
Fatal Lime
Piney Hab (LE)
and Seventh Circle.
I haven't tasted them yet, but I will soon. I was really wanting to know what's your favorite food to top with these sauces... I'm not looking for reviews, just ideas...
Thanks ahead of time!

Thanks Brian, your service is exceptional. Great experience.


I have only had the TW and PH out of that lot. I like the TW on ribs and wings and the Piney Hab is excellent on chicken breasts or kabobs.
Dude, when do I get to try the new ones? I guess I need to check out the site, huh? Sorry, been away from the THP game for awhile.