food TB's Notorious Pizza

Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch here in Las Vegas. This thread is in response to our own IGG and Famous Passow Pizza. Some here on THP are famous, some even legendary. I am merely notorious....

I got busy in the Blues Kitchen last eve as Mrs. Blues was craving pizza. Friday night I prepped the dough but got in somewhat of a panic as I couldn't find my dough recipe. You'd think I'd have it memorized but thanks to my good freinds "pilsner" and "anejo" sometimes the old pea spinning in cranial cavity threatens to explode. Finally found the dang 'thang and for posterity I will post it here now...

The ingredients for the dough are simple. You will need...

1 suitcase full of cash
A big bag of blow
3 fat blonde hookers
(uhm ...wrong forum..Cellblock C Forum)

2 pounds of bread flour
2 cups 110 degree water
2 Tbl olive oil
2 Tbl sea salt
2 Tbl sugar
1 Tbl yeast

Mix the H2O, sugar and yeast. Once it blooms mix in the rest. Knead and let proof. Punch it down and divide into 4 parts. Roll into balls and put in ziplocks and stash in the fridge 24 hours before using. Lasts about a week.

Mrs. Blues no likey likey the hotty hot stuff so I won't even post a pic of her pizza. But here are a couple of mine from last eve.
I brushed the rolled out dough with olive oil and then added canadian bacon, carmelized pineapple, roasted garlic, pequins, jalapeno's and mozzarella.

Here 'tis...TB's Notorious Pizza...


Cheers ya'll, TB.
Looks awesome!

Last night I had a pizza too. But since I was working on organizing our new home I didn't have the time to bake it myself. So I picked up some pizzas at our local Italian Pizzeria. For myself I had a Pizza Hawaii with some pineapple. For spicing it up i spread some of my Armadillo's Bad Medicine Habanero Hot Sauce on it. Really nice! The peachy hab flavor and the mango and pomegranate mixed nicely with the pineapple flavor.
imaguitargod said:
We in the pizza industry call that style, "Hawiian Pizza". Looks awesomely tasty! Did you use whole Pequins or dried?

Crushed dried. I have about 1/2 a cup of the dried pequins left.
I'm being a little picky about their use. Pequins rule!

Cheers, TB.
hmmm both the recipes sound dam good!! LOL

That pizza looks great nice thick crust and smothered in toppings!!!
TB - the pizza looks killer! but we're gonna have to do something about you & your damn jalapenos :lol::P

theres no reason not to post the pic of the pizza for your gal.
I'm sure it looked great too, & if not hot enough theres always chile powder you can add :)

whats your opinion of coating the bread with olive oil ?
I thought it gave the bread a very interesting taste & tasty.
do you do this often or ?
I tried it on that one pizza I made, kinda on the fly....lets try know...

yes I would even call that pizza a " hawaiian pizza "
chilehunter said:
TB - the pizza looks killer! but we're gonna have to do something about you & your damn jalapenos :lol::P

theres no reason not to post the pic of the pizza for your gal.
I'm sure it looked great too, & if not hot enough theres always chile powder you can add :)

whats your opinion of coating the bread with olive oil ?
I thought it gave the bread a very interesting taste & tasty.
do you do this often or ?
I tried it on that one pizza I made, kinda on the fly....lets try know...

yes I would even call that pizza a " hawaiian pizza "

The last few pizzas I've done I went away from traditional tomato based sauce. I am loving loooong time brushing the dough with good olive oil and topping with roasted garlic. I might have to pull out all the stops to thwart IGG's incoming salvo of FPP (Famous Passow Pizza). The guy doesn't even use chiles but rather extract sauces. I'll be bringing the real deal tonight! Feel free to jump into the fray with your pizza.

Cheers, TB.
not having tomato sauce on a pizza would be strange for me, I'm so used to it, but I guess the olive oil would suit just fine (from the little I used it) I should try w/o tomato sauce once & use just olive oil.

no offense but the little I know of you, I'd have to say you cant compete with IGG when it comes to chile heat. you're still using jalapenos on your pizza :lol::P (we gotta do something about you & your jalapeno thing:P)
though extreme heat doesnt mean its great tasting either!
Ouch! Them's fightin' words.
chilehunter said:
not having tomato sauce on a pizza would be strange for me, I'm so used to it, but I guess the olive oil would suit just fine (from the little I used it) I should try w/o tomato sauce once & use just olive oil.

no offense but the little I know of you, I'd have to say you cant compete with IGG when it comes to chile heat. you're still using jalapenos on your pizza :lol::P (we gotta do something about you & your jalapeno thing:P)
though extreme heat doesnt mean its great tasting either!

Actually the pizza had pequins and jalapenos. I have a shitpile of habs for sauce making tonight that will go on the next pizza.
Heat that burns so bad you can't taste the just bad pizza.

Cheers, TB. said:
Ouch! Them's fightin' words.


texas blues said:
Actually the pizza had pequins and jalapenos. I have a shitpile of habs for sauce making tonight that will go on the next pizza.
Heat that burns so bad you can't taste the just bad pizza.

Cheers, TB.

I know you had pequins on the pizza (I read your post) & I dont doubt you can handle hotter chiles.
its just seems like you have a fixation with green jalapenos :P
nothing wrong with it, but being me...I gotta razz ya...ya know...its all good.
texas blues said:
The Instigator.

: mixes a margarita for Pam:

Cheers, TB.
What? No chili powder seasoned salt on the rim?

: Pam retracts heart :
Previous posts are not fighting words.

texas blues said:
Heat that burns so bad you can't taste the just bad pizza.
It's not bad pizza, it just means you can't handle the heat.

Now those, those are fighting words :lol: ;)
Hey ya'll, here's last nights concoction.

Green onion
Roasted garlic
40 dried pequins
5 habaneros
olive oil

Liberal use of my latest batch of habanero sauce was involved. Tried to poison myself with heat. after effects....yet.

Can't really see the bad.



Still working on the TB's Flying V Guillotine Pizza...

Cheers, TB.