trade Teel pump, two day timer and other stuff to Trade

Hi all I have this posted on Grow Tech but I thought I should post it here.
You pay the shipping and when you get it, just send me the trade.
What I would like to get for it.
Ghost pepper Hot sauce
super hot pepper powder as much as seems fair.
Trinidad scorpion Butch T. seeds
Primo pepper seeds
Carolina Reaper seeds
Black Scorpion tongue seeds
Any other super Hot pepper seeds that might be interesting I'm looking for some really scary ones.
Just PM me at my Yahoo email and lets talk trade.
George W.
Dude I wish I had that stuff to offer you. That looks like some awesome stuff that'll help someone get into hydraponics or aquaponics. This will make an awesome trade for someone. I don't think that you'll have to wait long for someone to take you up on that great offer. Good luck.
Hi yeah it will be a pretty good deal, the pump has never been used and has been just taking up space, I paid about $100.00 for the pump and shipping on it. The two day timer and the digital thermostat along with the one way brass valve are pretty much unused. I'm just throwing them in if someone wants them, or they can just get the pump.
George W.