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Gonna need room for lots of plants here very soon. We intend to use a friends garage for the time being. Long term we intend to set it up as a grow room but short term it's just a garage. What kind of temps can peppers handle. How low can they survive in. What is the min temp for them to thrive. I'm just trying to determine what measures to take for heat?
I can't answer your questions, Robin. In my garage it ranges from 60 at night to 68 in the day time right now.
Under the grow table light 'tent' temps get to about 74. When I fan the plants, it cools down
from that, of course. I could set up a space heater near the table to raise the temperature, I guess.
My plants would grow faster in a controlled room or closet probably, but it just 'is what it is' at this point ; )
I can't answer your questions, Robin. In my garage it ranges from 60 at night to 68 in the day time right now.
Under the grow table light 'tent' temps get to about 74. When I fan the plants, it cools down
from that, of course. I could set up a space heater near the table to raise the temperature, I guess.
My plants would grow faster in a controlled room or closet probably, but it just 'is what it is' at this point ; )

So you are growing in your garage ?
During the day it's ideal for them to have 80-85. I think the min should be in the 60s. You can always pick up a heater if your garage gets too cold. I don't think they will grow fast in the 70s during the day.
So you are growing in your garage ?
Yes, everything you see on my grow log is in the garage. Germination on the workbench,
transplants on a table top. I started running the fans 30 min. three times a day, so I can let
them warm up in between. Lights off midnite to 6AM. That's why I say, if it won't grow in
my garage, I'll find one that will!

During the day it's ideal for them to have 80-85. I think the min should be in the 60s. You can always pick up a heater if your garage gets too cold. I don't think they will grow fast in the 70s during the day.
I'd love for them to have that kind of warmth :cool: As it is, when I pick one up
and check the soil moisture, the soil is nice and warm. If I would put a
better skirt on my lights, I might get a few degrees more :think: I guess right
now they spend about 16 hours at 74 +/- a degree or two, with fans running
1 1/2 hours and me dinking around, and get down to just above the
lower limit you mention above, from 12-6AM.
I have my heater set to come on at 70 and kick off about 85 in my greenhouse...they are kicking in there. You could always use a small shelter within the garage to keep the temps a little more managable. A little plywood, a large cardboard box or even inside a cabinet...

Yes, everything you see on my grow log is in the garage. Germination on the workbench,
transplants on a table top. I started running the fans 30 min. three times a day, so I can let
them warm up in between. Lights off midnite to 6AM. That's why I say, if it won't grow in
my garage, I'll find one that will!

I'd love for them to have that kind of warmth :cool: As it is, when I pick one up
and check the soil moisture, the soil is nice and warm. If I would put a
better skirt on my lights, I might get a few degrees more :think: I guess right
now they spend about 16 hours at 74 +/- a degree or two, with fans running
1 1/2 hours and me dinking around, and get down to just above the
lower limit you mention above, from 12-6AM.

How are your plants doing? Warm soil is good! I'm growing mine in a large closet that has a window. I end up getting temperatures in the high range if I'm not careful. I let a lot of the passive solar heat in to warm them up. They could survive lower than 60, but I think the growth would be slow. Of course they are going to love 80 degrees and grow fast in that temperature.
Right on, Dulac; Nice to have a natural heating element!
I have to admit I lied about the temperature :liar: in the grow tent.
After more careful measurement, i.e. letting it warm up an hour
or two before measuring, I get highs of 78 and change. With the
oscillating fan going, maybe a degree above ambient. With the
interior fans on and closed up, about 74 and a fraction. So, they
are really spending most of their day at 74-78 degrees. Still down
to low 60's at night. The plants seem to be doing okay. A little leggy.
Thanks for asking.

Okay, Robin, now you know the conditions in my garage for reals;
(how does that compare to yours?) and you can have your thread back :silenced:

I have my heater set to come on at 70 and kick off about 85 in my greenhouse...they are kicking in there. You could always use a small shelter within the garage to keep the temps a little more managable. A little plywood, a large cardboard box or even inside a cabinet...


Ya know Paul I'm not sure the garage is my partners and he's just got it cleaned out. I will be potting up the 10 plants I have here and they are going over there (Gresham) this weekend as I make room for my little ones . Right now his garage is very raw. He is keeping tabs on the temps now. It will evolve into a grow room with part of it sectioned off with a vent fan and heater.This is a very fluid project. We started with nothing but faith and are kind of doing it on the fly because .. well that's the way we roll ! lol He's talking about picking up an induction heater for about two hunski, which we'll need because we want to over winter maybe 35 plants
try to aim for temps 70-85F My grow tent stays at those temps 70 for the low over night when everything is off, and 82-85 for the high temp during the peak of day! These are optimum grow temps for peppers they love it! A fan for air circulation and ventilation are very important too!!! :)
you can build your own in door green house out of scrap lumber there are a lot of good examples on the grow log section. and you wont have to heat the whole garage.