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"Thai Dragon" loosing leaves

Hello all,

I had a question about a "Thai Dragon" plant I picked up at Canadian Tire this year.

I have 9 plants in pots all have garden soil same drainage holes same sun same rain same watering same everything.

The issue I ran into with my dragon was the leaves felt "crispy" but green still and just all fell off completely. The plant was bushing nicely then within 2-3 days dropped ALL leaves, there seem to be small chutes coming from old leaf nodes but why would this plant drop all leaves when all my other plants are doing great in the EXACT same conditions?

Thanks in advance for any opinions if you require any more info please advise.

have to ask the question.... did you harden them off? cantire gets their plants from a greenhouse and  have never seen the light of day. i was at my local cantire, they had a flat of red and orange habanero, and like every year, they leave them outside in a may, calgary night. they were in the garbage the next day. they do it every year.
my thai are doing fine(not from cantire), actually i am liking them to a weed. and don't worry, it is an annuum, they spring back fast, really fast. you have to remember, it is still early, leaves drop and new leaves form as a matter of fact, i pinch some of my leaves just to promote good plant health.
london, ont is a very good place for growing hot peppers.
good luck.
My year old dragon looses it's leaves in the sun and wind when podding, but comes back if a bit shaded or between flowerings.
To be honest no I did not harden off any of my plants I got around town at the local hardware stores ect, didnt even think about doing it because they were established plants but thinking about it it makes sense, good thing all my other plants did well.
Yea as I mentioned the leaves are coming back it was just odd that EVERY single leaf dropped.
Thanks for the info!