Thai Dragon red peppers > how long do they take to grow?

I live in southern Florida, so we really have the perfect weather for growing most varieties of hot peppers.
About 3 weeks ago, I planted some 'Thai Dragon' red pepper seeds in Miracle Grow potting mix. Sowed the seeds about 1/3" below the surface and kept the soil damp. I gave the pots daytime sunlight in order to make the soil warm in order to promote germination. 
Well, I was surprised that it took a full 3 weeks to a month for these seedlings to sprout and come to the surface ... Really a looong time compared to other plants I have grown from seeds.
Now my question ... Since the plants are no more than 1/8" in height right now, how long do you think it will take for them to start producing red peppers that can be harvested (as long as they stay healthy)?
I believe the Miracle Grow potting mix has some fertilizer already in it ... Any idea as to when I might add some extra fertilizer to these new plants?
Even with ideal conditions, it may take upwards of a month for seeds to germinate. Heck, even with a heating pad and a CFL bulb a few inches from the Jiffy pellets, I still had a couple of seedlings sprout up in my last batch, so three weeks is actually consistent, especially if the were 1/3" down. And as for growth, they will be slow at first, but don't be surprised at all to see the first flowers in about 2-3 months. Even if a plant isn't full grown per se, it'll begin sprouting flowers in about 3 months or so.
As far as fertilizing, try starting with every 2-3 weeks, then adjust accordingly based on how they grow, and especially how the leaves look.
elcap ... that was a fast reply!  :halo:  Thanks
Got 2 more questions:
1. Since these plants are in pots, I can move them easily anywhere in my backyard. Should I let them stay out in the sun all day, or move them under the patio roof where they only get lets say 3-4 hours of direct sunlight everyday? (I do now move them under the patio roof when it looks like heavy rain since they are so small and fragile right now)
2. When the pepper plant gets to be about 1 1/2 feet high, I heard that I should cut the plant (just once) down to a height of about 1 foot so it grows more 'bushy' and not just skinny and tall ... any truth to this?
Turbota said:
elcap ... that was a fast reply!  :halo:  Thanks
Got 2 more questions:
1. Since these plants are in pots, I can move them easily anywhere in my backyard. Should I let them stay out in the sun all day, or move them under the patio roof where they only get lets say 3-4 hours of direct sunlight everyday? (I do now move them under the patio roof when it looks like heavy rain since they are so small and fragile right now)
2. When the pepper plant gets to be about 1 1/2 feet high, I heard that I should cut the plant (just once) down to a height of about 1 foot so it grows more 'bushy' and not just skinny and tall ... any truth to this?
I would say ease them into the sun until they can stand a full day's worth. There's no set amount to give them each day, just watch them as best you can, and go frm there.
As for cutting/pruning, I'll defer to others...
DO NOT use Miracle Grow to start your seeds! If you must use Miracle Grow make sure its a seed starting mix!
That is probably your problem right there! Unless its a seed starting mix , the soil has nutes in it that will prevent the seeds from germinating
Got a dragon in a small pot from last year.
It spends the winter on a window sill and still gives a few peppers every month through the cold months.
Full sun (8-11 hrs) all day outside in the warm months.