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"Thai" pepper?

I have been growing thai peppers for years. I like them fresh and I love them dried. I have had some issues with my local nursery before ( scotch bonnets turned out to be habeneros..ect...). This pepper was labeled "thai" pepper. I don't think that it isn't a thai variety, I just don't know what type. The thais I have grown in past years were shorter and more plump than this plant's, but the big differance is the taste. These taste AWFUL. I didn't even bother drying them. They did however look cool, so I put them inside for the winter. Any ides what this could be (sorry for the crappy cell phone pics.)?



Thats because you're not growing them in untreated human seweage......

I have some of those. I thought they tasted like their shorter cousin. I dont remember the name, but my neighbor brought the seeds back from Thailand last year and they took forever to develop. I didnt think they tasted that great, but they're very much like the peppers you get in your average Chinese food take out.

Those could very well be Thai's or some form of them. These day's any number of medium to small, skinny and long chile's are badged as Thai. I've seen many such chile's in all sorts of Asian cuisine, some longer, some shorter, red, green, and in between. Usually hotter than tepins but not quite as hot as habs.