food Thanksgiving HEAT

In the past I've only ever had your run-of-the-mill classic red hot sauces. All that changed this year when I stumbled onto some pepper plants at the nursery and took matters into my own hands.
I made two sauces earlier this summer - a mango/orange hab and a cherry/bourbon/red caribbean hab. Both delicious recipes graciously taken from members here on the board.
ANYWAY, up here in the North we just finished up our turkey-day long-weekend. My gut has been bulging since Saturday night and the tee shirts are feeling a little too tight.
Instead of the usual cranberry sauce on my turkey I spooned on the cherry bourbon sauce and BAM! just like that Thanksgiving dinner exploded with heat taking a favorite holiday meal up another few notches. What a great combo!
Then tonight, on my heaping pile of leftovers, I decided to hit the turkey with some gravy that I had been missing out on... so no cherry sauce and no heat. Then, as the plate was heating up in the oven, I had a revelation: I could mix my mango sauce in with the pile of carrot and turnip mash. I pulled out the piping hot plate and mixed in the sweet spicy goodness! And I gotta say for the first time in A VERY LONG TIME the veggies disappeared from the plate before the meat.
Needless to say, it has been a wickedly delicious long weekend.
So, I'm curious, how did/will you all heat up your Thanksgiving weekend??
PepperDaddler said:
November 28?
Are you from the future?
I have a buddy in Toronto or I would have thought the same thing.
Cool Aaron, thats the way to make a turkey taste good!
This is where I got the idea/recipe, however I modified the ingredients etc quite a bit.
I used:
~20 fresh habs (seeds removed, placenta intact, unroasted)
7 fresh very ripe Ataulfo mangos (about half the size of the regular grocer mangos)
cheap tequila
fresh lime juice to taste
white vinegar to balance pH
homemade sea salt to taste
1 medium shallot
fresh local garlic to taste
blended, cooked, blended, canned
and for the cherry bourbon -
my version here was very similar minus the ginger because for my pallet I didn't think it'd be a match..YMMV And I used the red carib peppers.
PepperDaddler said:
November 28?
Are you from the future?
Haha, we beat you guys to July 4th too, having Canada day on July 1st
*hops back in his Delorean*

Thanks for pointing me towards the recipe. Last weekend I made a Mango Chile Sauce with good results. I'm always looking for ideas for tweaking my recipes.

kentishman said:

Thanks for pointing me towards the recipe. Last weekend I made a Mango Chile Sauce with good results. I'm always looking for ideas for tweaking my recipes.

Nice! If you have the chance (and haven't already) give the Ataulfo mangos a shot. They're awesome. Personally prefer them to all others for most applications. They are champ in the sauce.
Nice! If you have the chance (and haven't already) give the Ataulfo mangos a shot. They're awesome. Personally prefer them to all others for most applications. They are champ in the sauce.

I haven't heard of Ataulfo mangoes, but I'll check with my buddy in Miami. He brought me the mangoes I used. I don't remember the name for them (don't think he knew the name), but they are a very late ripening variety and, as he put it, "butt ugly"! The skin was almost sooty black and very unattractive, but the fruit was tasty.
