that time of year



it's already full!
most of the frozen stash will get sauced
whatever doesn't force ripen will get more than likely smoked and sauced or dehydrated (green)
some riipe stuff will get smoked and ground, too
tims77 I am a little confused by your last picture of the plants up side down in the garage.
Is that a unique Maine method of overwintering plants or are you an alien visiting earth for the first time?
Better check out the hitch hikers guide again :P
Balac said:
tims77 I am a little confused by your last picture of the plants up side down in the garage.
Is that a unique Maine method of overwintering plants or are you an alien visiting earth for the first time?
Better check out the hitch hikers guide again :P
I just checked but all it said was 42. :D and something about needing time to figure out the question. 
They do ripen on the plant if cut. IDK if hanging them upside down has anything to do with it, but I cut a few plants this year and tossed them in a pile. Came back a few days later to ripe pods. 
yeah, trying to get them to ripen
i still need to pick all of the non-superhot plants today - frost coming wed/thur night
Upside down just gets them out of the way, using otherwise unused space.  It doesn't ripen them faster but they will have a longer shelf life and chance to ripen if they aren't exposed to freezing temperatures.
It's something you do when you hear it's going to hard frost overnight and need to get them all inside to deal with later.  I'll probably be doing the same in about 2 or 3 days if local weather forecasts hold true.
I cannot locate the picture quickly but I hung about 40 or 50 last year upside down and was amazed and how many extra I had ripen as a result. They are easier to hang upside down and that is how or why I chose that method. I guess I treated them like dressing a deer. :) 
Hung another 20+ last night
the ones that i hung monday are turning very well.....peppers are firm, lots of ripening going on
doing fairly well on the screen, too, but need more bananas