The Annual Defcon Sale Is ON!

Incoming transmission………
First off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Defcon Crew!!!
It’s been a while since our last transmission, but we have some really cool news.
Yup, all products are now 15% off (excluding all gift sets and ZERO Sludge)
All you have to do is type sbowl2011 in the coupon code upon ordering, and you will receive the discounts. If you don’t type it, you don’t get it. The sale will expire the Monday after the Superbowl.

Aside from this awesome sale, we’ve been unbelievably busy as of late, and are in the process of expanding into a bunch more stores across the nation and the globe. We want to thank all of you that have been spreading the word about us, as our expansion is more rapid than ever before.

We have throttled back a bit on our public shows, like Defcon Days, as the number of our private catering gigs has really been growing as well. We will have a few Defcon Days in December and January before the Superbowl, so keep an eye out.

Our newest products, the Def-Konichi and the evil Deathmatch Mark III are doing quite well, and many of you have emailed us recipes for their uses. You guys never cease to amaze me with your recipes, and we are slowly but surely categorizing them. Once we have enough recipes, we intend to have a Defcon Cookbook, downloadable from the website, available to the masses. So keep sending us your unique uses for our products!

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Irving, TX the weekend of January 28th for the infamous Zest Fest, in its new location within the brand new Irving Convention Center. For more information regarding this event, go to,
This event is going to be one for the record books!

If you haven’t joined us on Facebook as of yet, please join us at, John Dilley and, if you feel up to it, friend our supremely evil Defcon Mascot at Nugget von Beelzebunny.

So, that being said, it’s time for me to begin setting up for a large Thanksgiving group. Best part is, I get to man the turkey fryer once again, life is good!

Until next time, the Defcon Crew wishes you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, and we thank all of you again for your continued support of our quest for global domination by way of ingestion of culinary masterpieces!

John & Maggie
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