food The Art Of Blackening

Helltaco said:
I realize I'm late to this party but wowowowowowowowowo!!
Nah not this time, I am already making enough stuff.  Pretty sad that two consecutive days off equals a mini-vacay, but it really kind of is.  It will be two weeks before I have consecutive days off again.
Naw, I'm with you JT! All we have is these 2 short days this weekend, and we're making it feel like a full blown VayCay! This morning I covered up all the clocks because vibing on my OWN timeline makes it feel like I'm on Vaycay. That, and some certain "SoFlo" body spray. Yep, that's the scent of a Vaycay for sure! ;) Coconut Cucumber something or 'other.... ;)
And Pickle Shotz.