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The Bean-Shaped Pod from Trinidad

The infamous "bean-shaped" pod from Trinidad. Thanks TrinnieHottie. I got 1 out of 7 seeds to germinate, but 1 is all you need! It has nice taste and quite hot. Some of the other immature pods have a cool "flattened shape". It reminds me a bit of Cumari O' Passarinho, another C. Chinense that ripens orange.


Doesn't look bean shaped to me, but VERY nice nonetheless!! How hot is it? I'd sure like to grow this one myself, so in case you get some seeds from those, put me on the list pa-leeze! Thanks! :)
It's an 8 of 10 for heat. I just retained the name given to me by TrinnieHottie. Note, other pods have a more pronounced bean-like shape. As all pods in T&T, the shapes are variable.
