chinense The Brown Moruga Scorpion from Pepperlover

So you all know what this is. Thanks very much Judy!!!
I`d say this one had unique effects on me in a number of ways. Firstly, it was idiotically hot. Really, really, bloody hot. Ok, once I got over that shock to the system, this being the first superhot I`ve eaten in a couple of weeks, I found that while it was amazingly hot, it wasn`t very painful. In fact I`ve never eaten anything this hot without it being horribly painful. Unique. 
It also did not give me hot tears. That`s a first for something this insanely hot. Unique. 
I also got the worst , errr, afterburn, of any pepper ever. By a mile. I don`t usually get too much afterburn, as I believe I absorb and metabolise a lot of the capsaicin for excretion via my bladder. Not with this one AT ALL. Zero hot pee. Unique.
ajijoe said:
your a better man then me mate!!
great review
now u r in trouble Joe.
i need to try some of the  Galapagos pepper u have .
lets trade   ;)
do u want to try this pepper dry?
can u make us a review on dry moruga if u dont mind tasting dry pods 
PepperLover said:
now u r in trouble Joe.
i need to try some of the  Galapagos pepper u have .
lets trade   ;)

Judy, I`d be honored. I like dry pods, weirdo that I am!!! I once ate 5 or 6 dried douglahs without thinking about it, as they weren`t that hot, at least initially. Worst stomach cramps EVER!!! Driving home I had to pull over and lie down in a field for about an hour. Got some very funny looks  :rolleyes:
Nigel said:
Not better, just more weird!!!
oh i beg to differ LOL :party:
PepperLover said:
now u r in trouble Joe.
i need to try some of the  Galapagos pepper u have .
lets trade   ;)

do u want to try this pepper dry?
can u make us a review on dry moruga if u dont mind tasting dry pods 
pm sent for trade
NuHot said:
Another kick-ass review. The hottest pepper, possibly to date. But not painful? Can u expand on that...
I feel there are at least 2 different sensations. One is heat, one is pain.
If I stick a knife in my tongue, I don`t feel any heat. If I drink something that is way too hot a temperature I feel both heat and pain. If it`s only normal coffee-hot I feel heat, but no pain. Make sense?
With hot peppers there can be both hot and painful sensations, at least I think so. With the very hottest, the initial sensation is like drinking something way too hot. You get both heat and pain. I find that the 2 sensations decay at different rates. Heat always dissipates first, leaving behind the pain. In some cases there is a ton of heat, like Judy`s Brown Moruga, but that decays and leaves little to no pain. In the case of the Madballz 7, the pain is far greater than the heat. Most superhots have a combination, but it is very variable. 
I also think there is a direct link, with me, between how painful a pepper is and the endorphin rush, but not how hot it is. I got a very mild endorphin rush that didn`t last very long with the Brown Moruga, even though it was insanely hot. The Madballz 7 gave me a huge endorphin rush and I was literally high for about 45 minutes afterwards, but it was nowhere near as hot as the Brown Moruga. 
Wow Nigel. You are crazy. This is the hottest I have had so far. To me it had a slight earthy flavor reminding me of a green bell with a slight floral note and a little bitterness in the background. I don't think I could eat anything hotter than this. The heat came on pretty quickly but it had a deep down fire like burn similar to what I get from a Naga. This is what I get from tasting Judy's dried Brown Moruga. This is a pepper that will easily separate the men from the boys. I stepped up but I am stepping back down now lol.