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seed-plant-vendors The Chilli Pepper Co. (chileseeds.co.uk)

I bought some seeds from THE CHILLI PEPPER COMPANY, http://www.chileseeds.co.uk/
They have a really nice selection and decent prices, but have had less than stellar germination results with some of their seeds(even using a heat mat). I will probably order from them again though. I will also be trying the Hippy Seed Company after reading Patrick's experience. Good luck.
I also ordered seeds from them this last season and had low germination rates just like you. Aditionally some seeds turned out to be different from what they were supposed to be like Naga Morich that turned out to be a Trinidad type pepper. Combine this with unresponsive customer service (only under threat of paypal action did I get a response) if things go wrong makes this vender one I will avoid in future.
Really this site is not well recommended
I've had several problems with them complaining directly to Geraldgot a good response.
Infelizmens they are just seed sellers, not the actual producers, garbage and end up getting passed on.
I already told Gerald that will continue well into bankruptcy.
Quam know in the future will sell anything to pay.
Umes I hope that information helps the next,
A big hug.
i have ordered seeds from there on dec 23 and received them yesterday, kind of excited but after reading all the reviews here kinda disappointing, i will post my results when i determine my germination rate