The Daily Disease

Hi all. 
One of the 15 plants Impending Bending gave me about 3~4 weeks ago  has developed some odd spots.  Can anyone make a positive diagnosis, please?
The dark vein in the bottom leaf is also mildly alarming.  Related, perhaps?
The plants were hydro raised but have been living in high quality potting soil for about a month.
Transplanted from 4" to ~3/4 gal pots a few days ago with very little disruption of roots.  The plants didn't even seem to notice.
I've been fighting aphids and wonder how many of the bastards it takes to damage a plant? The bugs have largely been vanquished, but is this possibly delayed damage?
Perhaps it's time to add some minerals?

Thanks for any advice!
Could be shock from aphid damage, and being transplanted. I would cut that leaf off and check every 2 or 3 days for more aphids. I have had damage like that from ants eating the underside of my TMS leaves. I only found it by looking at the plant. I think the ants were eating the aphids and getting over zealous. The plant was loosing moisture faster than it could take it in.

Cleaning off the bugs, and cutting off damaged leaves stopped the problem.
I've been inspecting the plants leaf-by-leaf every other day, dabbing the aphids bastards with a q-tip dunked in neem oil (now dilute pyritherin.)  Didn't see any ants or other bugs, which is probably a good thing. :)
ANY sucking insect spreads crap to plants.
Looks like a virus or whatever.
Plant looks healthy in general=your pics.
I'd guess you caught something from the aphids.
usually goes away if the aphids are gone.
Remember the aphids are just like mosquitoes. Whatever virus or bacteria they have in them will be transmitted to the plant. I always find it better to remove the affected leaf or branch ASAP. If the plant in not salvageable it will go to my compost pile. I have been using the yellow sticky traps with good success to also catch small baby aphids, gnats, and white flies. I also use potassium fatty acid to kill the aphids, gnats, and white flies. I don't want to use anything bad on my Basil. We do eat the leafs.