Unless we are talking the latest title holder, I do not get all the claims of people renaming peppers and calling them their own. Here is why:
I sell seed 20 for $5.00. Big time is more like 10 for $5.00. The money in isolation followed by the labor of harvesting, drying, cleaning, packaging, shipping... it really does not seem like shit tons of money. If my seed business were to expand wildly, then we would add labor cost to the mix. Again, it does not seem like shit tons of money.
Again, I can understand if it is the latest title holder. With that, you get free advertising. But a year later and unless you are PVPA everyone is growing the thing and selling the seeds. Maybe I am missing something. Seems to me other than the innate rewards of creating something new, the main thing a non PVPA pepper gives a person is bragging rights. Go stealing peppers and renaming them, even those bragging rights go limp.