• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

The first of many

Despite many problems my tomatoes have actually set some fruit already :party:

I can't remember what this is, I planted lots of varieties and didn't tag them when they were finally transplanted. :banghead: I try so hard not to make that mistake but it still happens now and then.

This is an older photo of the bed to show them, they are bigger now.

I chose vareities that were NOT red and the same old thing. So they could turn into green stripey or purple. I'll post another picture when its ID time.
nice. finally some fruit set after all that work, huh?

i have the same situation, a bunch of tomatoes without any fruit. lol. but mine are finally getting fruit after my efforts of pollinating the flowers manually with an electric toothbrush. lol. all my plants will be crossed because of this. but i don't mind. as this is my first year, i'd be happy to see any sort of fruit on there. there will always be more to flowers to make sure non of them will be crossed. lol. my determinates died without ever having to produced a flower. hahahaha. oh well. musta been something in the soil, too much N i guess.
They look healthy as!

Personally, I wouldn't worry about the slight curling you mentioned earlier if there is no other sign of trouble. (Once again though, I am no expert!)
i only have like 4 tomatoes out of like 20 plants. lol! i have 2 cherries, one paste and a beefsteak. lol. and they're all so tiny!
I don't see them but the insects must be getting seriously busy in my tomato bed. So many of my flowers are barely open and then they wither and little green toms appear. I haven't seen any bees so it must be other bugs. And I see a lot of ladybugs hanging around and no aphids, so if the ants manage to put any aphids out they are gobbled up straight away.
Nature at it's finest! :woohoo:
you are so lucky! here nature is so out of whack that i rarely see any bees around! i see bees like once or twice every two months and they're in the wrong part of the garden! and ladybugs, i've only seen one! it's mostly pests i find. i'd be happy to even see wasps doing their business around here. sheesh =(

ants do help pollinate my peppers though, lol.
Last year I had a row of huge Basil plants all in flower next to three tomato plants. The bees swarmed in and went nuts for the Basil flowers, then did my tomatoes too, I got more tomatoes than I could use. This year I have been too slow with the Basil and they are still tiny. Something is taking care of the tomatoes though.
which is why i've got dill growing around my plants, so when they flower, i hope bees come to them and go crazy for those too. i also have basil growing around the vicinity of my tomatoes and peppers also. guess i should plant more of those. =D
I do live in a semi rural area though and every block around here used to be market gardens, most people still have big gardens. The bees know this is the place to be.

It was 39C today (that's 102F), and its not summer yet! I have to put up shadecloth soon so my babies don't cook to death.
I do live in a semi rural area though and every block around here used to be market gardens, most people still have big gardens. The bees know this is the place to be.

then that just means them bees are happy there and won't leave.

i gotta buy me a bee's nest or something. lol.

39c? sounds like summer here. hehe.
well its not all good times i found this today

It looks like it died because of the dipel I sprayed on them earlier but it still did one tom worth of damage.
It is now time for the many!
Today my first tomato was picked and eaten.

Quite a lot of others are green
I will post lots of pictures just for the sake of it.








Awesome to see your maters are coming along nicely, megamoo!

I had a whole bunch of different varieties that I was just about to transplant into the ground when they all just up and died on me. :(

I think the deaths were caused by a combination of heat and mealybugs but seriously can't be bothered trying to figure out the exact cause. I look on the bright side too.... at least I have more time to concentrate on chillies! I am devastated and relieved at the same time.... :lol: