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The flu vs hot pepper tea.

Hi Kate here,

I unfortunatly got the flu right after I joined the site. So I drank lots of water and stayed in bed. On day 2 I decided to get out of bed and get My sure fired flu fixing teas going.

Tea 1 : Hot pepper powder in hot water.

Tea 2: Hot pepper powder in hot water add 1 slice of candyed ginger.

Tea 3: Hot pepper powder in hot water add poweder honey (liquid honey if you dont have the powder.)

Tea 4: Hot pepper poweder in hot water add slice of butter.

Tea 5: Hot pepper powder in Hot water add tea bag containing rose hips , or any berry bark. (rose hip, berry bark teas are a mucle relaxent and pain relaver). add organic suger. to combat bitter.

The various teas give me vit C boosts and natral pain relivers, muscle relaxants, little fat, sinas relife and rehydration.

Fealing much better.:hell:
SanSoo's Sickie Hot & Sour Soup

- Chicken Broth
- White Vinegar to taste - I like a goodly amount
- Red Pepper Powder Or something finely chopped
- Soy Sauce
- Roasted Sesame Oil
- Salt if you like

Heat all in a pan (no microwave if possible) until good and hot. After removing from heat,

- Add as much finely chopped Garlic as you can take, and then add more

Allow to sit a few minutes.

I usually throw in some Pre-cooked brown rice, since I tend to have it handy.

I do much the same with a tin of chicken noodle soup..adding lot of garlic and chillies. Really kicks a cold in da bum combined with munching on candied ginger. :)

I haven't taken an OTC med for much of anything in years.

Naturopathy is better IMHO. It also builds yer own immune system to fight it off naturally so eventually, you hardly get sick at all. ;)
Get well soon silver and always remember to break a fever,,you need a lil heat!See ya round