vendor The Ghost Pepper Store.

I liked the agressive marketing. I have seen the posts and have heard about the ghost pepper store from other members but had never looked. I posted a thread looking for a few pods and He posted like Hey, this is what I have for you. I dig it.
I saw the thread here and went to the web page. I have not ordered anything (yet), but I am posting because I was impressed by the fact that there is a 4 oz in-between size for dried pods and powders. This makes a huge amount of sense, because a one oz would not be enough for me but a pound is far too much. Rather than ordering multiple single ounce bags, which can add up quickly, a 4 oz size at a reasonable price is a very smart move.
I ordered some smoked ghost peppers, and they arrived quickly and have an amazing taste. Also being a member of THP they threw in a couple dried Butch T's, and a couple dried Trinidad's.... Nothing but praise coming from me, and when i run out of the ghost peppers..... i know exactly where i will go looking for more. Cheers
These guys are awesome!  I just received my order of 4 oz of Yellow Ghost Peppers .
Check out what they threw in for free:
I needed a box of mixed super hots for a beerfest yesterday. All my plants have pods, but they are all green.  The mixed super box had every pepper I am growing. I ordered on Wednesday and Brian got them to me on Friday.  All excellent, all super fresh and a couple of extras including a yellow brainstrain with amazing flavor.
My buddy who also grows peppers, brought one of his red brainstrains that was pretty evil. The reactions were priceless as everyone who tried the Yellow brain strain went, "tasty, but not as hot as the Red Brain strain." 2 minutes later, they were all jacked up from the Yellow with tears and noses running like faucets.
Thanks Ghost Pepper Store!