We had to do something this week that no one wants ever to have to do, decide when a pet that is suffering should be put down.
It was a hard decision, our six year old Siamese female cat, Luna, suddenly stopped eating, and drinking. A trip to the Vet showed
late stage kidney failure. She had little telltale signs, and went downhill fast in two or three days. Even today as we drove her to the
vet for the last time, to look at her you would swear little was wrong, but her high pitched meow let us know that in fact she was in distress.
For the benefit of those who have sealpoint Siamese cats, have then checked once they reach around five years old for signs of kidney
distress, it is common for this breed to have them, and had we known this would have screened her each year for the past five years.
Loss of kidney function is a gradual process, and until 70% of the kidneys stop working it is hard to tell if anything is wrong. If this warning
saves a single cat, then it was time well spent. As you can see from this picture she is a beauty and that is how I will remember my buddy.
Rhody... sniff...
It was a hard decision, our six year old Siamese female cat, Luna, suddenly stopped eating, and drinking. A trip to the Vet showed
late stage kidney failure. She had little telltale signs, and went downhill fast in two or three days. Even today as we drove her to the
vet for the last time, to look at her you would swear little was wrong, but her high pitched meow let us know that in fact she was in distress.
For the benefit of those who have sealpoint Siamese cats, have then checked once they reach around five years old for signs of kidney
distress, it is common for this breed to have them, and had we known this would have screened her each year for the past five years.
Loss of kidney function is a gradual process, and until 70% of the kidneys stop working it is hard to tell if anything is wrong. If this warning
saves a single cat, then it was time well spent. As you can see from this picture she is a beauty and that is how I will remember my buddy.
Rhody... sniff...