The meanest Green there such thing?

So aside just getting the patch in the ground this year(any one who knows me , is familiar with why that is(Grow log subject)...I have been looking for a superhot green variety.
While happy with the Green Hornet Naga, like many greens the heat just isn't up to par for a good really  hot sauce.I like the GHN quite a bit-but the quest for a soul burner is on this has been a subject I've meant to post but haven't had the light pop on when my mobile hard drive is handy-I'll have to settle posting this first.
Hopefully, at least 1 Green Hornet Naga (Jamie) and 1 Green Moruga(PL) have survived the purges this year.Purge = my absence x wifes presence.The multiplication sign is there for a reason LOL.
Olive Bhuts may be a candidate, but the Mustard Bhuts I grew , didn't mature under ideal circumstances;ie -extremely late start last year, and so I can't say really(couple of ripe pods then a freeze)..The GHN is a  mad producer, but same same -too late of a start last year -lost 3 podded up(chocked full) plants to the same villian last year.....damn it man strikes again.
Please post if got any skinny on a mean green ........
Now were talkin'......Green Lava,Green Jigsaw.....if you get a chance a pic would be great.....

Here are the Mustard Bhuts, more green then mustard, but these were picked a bit early-I needed every green avail for sauce when the time came...

Here is the Green Hornet , they don't turn much more then what you see, until they are well past ideally ripe.Nice pepper....R6's seed
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Evergreen Had odd tasting with little heat
I agree- and the Mojo Big Browns -that turned out green,were the same.
D3monic said:
mustard bhuts look nice imo never tasted one though
The center one was good.....probably the same as what they are calling Olive Bhuts?????