The most fun you can have at work... when you manage to get 4 or 5 co-workers to try a piece
of a Naga Morich!

Pepp3rFreak had generously donated a small quantity to my sauce cause,
and I brought two of them in to work for the curious to try out.

What a riot. I wish I had brought my video camera! :):onfire:

Watching to expressions on their faces turn from curiosity to mild apprehension, then to pain, agony, and in some cases flat out panic was just priceless.

It may sound mean, but I was very honest about how hot these are and they wanted to try. Who am I to say no?

Of course watching me eat a good sized chunk first and only showing evidence of mild hotness and some sweat may have lulled them into a false sense of security :cool:

The best part is when, after living through the experience, they are eager to follow and watch the next victim suffer. We had myself and the first 4 victims all watching and laughing at the 5th ;)
bu...bu...but you didn't take any pictures!

I can't even get the folks I work with to eat a Lemon Drop Popper.
I was in Gatlinburg this weekend. I stopped in at the Pepper Palace ( a great hot sauce shop) While there, I talked to the GM (Tom) about Naga's. He said he'd tried a few....and said that they taste like sileage (something out of a grain silo). He said that the taste was just eating grass.
He went on to say that this is the reason most sauce makers are using other more flavorful peppers in their sauces to cover up for the lack in taste of the Naga.

Is this true? If so, I'll stick with Habaneros. Any insight?
Skyjerk, that is the funniest and best form of work entertainment I've heard!!! I wish you would've gotten some pics!! :mouthonfire::lol: Isn't it funny how when the people survive they will do anything to watch someone else go through the same thing?:lol: I'm glad my lil nagas got put to some good use and if you'd like some more I'm sure I can hook you up as my plants are still surviving the cold nights suprisingly!!

Staffing, I agree a little with the GM, but I wouldn't say the Naga taste is terrible, it kinda doesn't even have a taste, it's a very thin walled pepper and it's like chewing a piece of spinach that ends up getting as hot as molten lava:mouthonfire: I eat them with almost every meal lately, as I have them dried up and in powder form, I love them!!
I absolutely hate habaneros. Until lately they were all I could get that was hot enough to be any fun. My mini gold habs flavor is ok, but it always leaves a pukey taste in my mouth.
On the other hand, my nagas are absolutly the best flavor I have had from an actually hot pepper. I love them. They do have a very light flavor though, almost sweet. In powder form they are unbeatable.
Slinter said:
I absolutely hate habaneros. Until lately they were all I could get that was hot enough to be any fun. My mini gold habs flavor is ok, but it always leaves a pukey taste in my mouth.
On the other hand, my nagas are absolutly the best flavor I have had from an actually hot pepper. I love them. They do have a very light flavor though, almost sweet. In powder form they are unbeatable.

Slinter, have you tried Caribbean reds? I think they have awesome flavor in addition to being searing hot. Better than standard Habanero's in my opinion.
I have a hot sauce I made from Caribbean reds thats excellent and I have at least 8 devotee's for whom I have now become their hot sauce "crack dealer"

Using the Naga's I got from Pepp3rFreak I have concocted a "special reserve"

The only difference being that I added some Naga's to the already prepared caribbean red sauce.
Obviously its quite a bit hotter, but it has a distinct flavor thats not quite the same as the straight Caribbean red sauce.
I find the pepper itself to be pretty much as advertised. It doesnt seem to have that much flavor of its own, but it noticeably affected the flavor of the sauce I added it to, and in a good way.
No on the caribian reds. But if they are anything like red savinas they are a no go. Gonna try choc habs next season and see if they work out better. I do like sauces with habanero though. It seems to taste great mixed with sweet. Especially my lethal mango salsa. My nagas taste great, but the heat is just a little over the top to use enough to get the taste and still be "enjoyably" edible.