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the most hot jalepeno!! ever!!!

ok guys i just picked and ate the hottest jalepeno ive ever had! ever! 20 minutes laterand its still burningmy mouth.

ok i have 6 jalepeno plants. one of which is pretty big. the other 5 seems dwarfed.... the biggest one being maybe 8 inches tall but really bushy. now the peppers are definatly jalepeno, but they too re dwarf as well full grown fruit was 1.5 inches to 2 inches. i picked one and ate it sraight off the plant just for shits and giggles. it was hotter than any jabanero ive ever eaten too. im aguy who eats habs like there candy yams, and jalepenos. like cake. (im very accostomed to hot food) and this i incredible. thankfully i have seeds to. because man there awsme. not avery large yeild but sureenough to make a few jars of super concentrate.

im not bragging but i was just sharing to see about more superpenos as im going to call them.

ive heard of the oddball hotter than norm jalepeno but these are truely ridiculs
Is this your first time growing them? I ask because if you are used to eating store bought jalapenos they are never as hot as homegrown. I was surprised just like you the first time I ate my own jalapenos and habs.
Did you buy the plants or were they grown from seeds you saved? If they were from seeds you saved, there is a possibility that one was a result of cross pollination.

I did have a Jalapeno plant that produced super hot peppers, even when they were small. The insides were all orange and had a strong capsicum taste.

I would save the seeds from the hot one and see if it continues to grow super hot jalapenos from seed.
no, i never buy tore bought jalepenos....ever! my buddy gardened them for years...he has always given me tons....the plants where store bought seedlings. from a nursery here in my town. i doubt cross pollination was a factor.. i think the dwarfed size is a culprit though. and yah i did save ome seeds. i will be growing more this winter inside.
ha. well these are definatly hotter than habs....not by far but yeah there definatly hoter. again...i can eat a hab, rght off he plant...no drink just chewing. years of pepper abuse has enabled me to do so. and these are hot. not unbearable...but it will let you know you ate them. could P.H. of my soil be a factor?....
No. But cross pollination, and possibly serious plant stress, mixed with some low expectations, (;)) could turn out the perception of some super hot japs.
Matt Berry said:
Did you buy the plants or were they grown from seeds you saved? If they were from seeds you saved, there is a possibility that one was a result of cross pollination.

I did have a Jalapeno plant that produced super hot peppers, even when they were small. The insides were all orange and had a strong capsicum taste.

I would save the seeds from the hot one and see if it continues to grow super hot jalapenos from seed.

I've had some of the orange inside ones as well. They were surprisingly hot. The funniest part was that my parents saw the 'greens' on the table and pinched them for their salad :lol:. They don't eat hot foods...