The Naga Raja from Nagaland

Another beautifully grown pod from Jedisushi06. Thanks a lot Mikey!!!
This one was the quintessential Naga in flavour. Initially a little sweet and fruity followed by that very distictive Naga flavour sand a good hit of heat. The flavour is wonderful, in my opinion, but I was disappointed with the heat levels. It was hot right enough, but not that hot. The Shau shabu jolokia was hotter and in all honesty I found the flavour of the Shabu shabu to be much more like this Naga Raja than any Bhut jolokia. 
I love that this one comes from Nagaland, the Indian province between Assam and the country of Burma. It`s obviously a transitional variety between Bangladesh, Nagaland, Burma and China.
I like the sweet fruity flavor but i was also disappointed with the heat level as well. Could have been all the rain we had that messed with the heat level.  Thanks again Nigel.
Nice review Nigel!
Is it the same pepper as King Naga from RFC? I think so cause it translates the same...