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The Office Crop

I figured there werent many people that would have an odd setup like this and just wanted to post up my office crop.

I wanted to see if I was able to get anything to grow using any means available to me at work.

I have 4 Jalapenos growing... and had 4 White Bhut Jolokias growing, but lost them because I left the light on over a long weekend and it dried them right up.

Using a flipped over netbook as a heatmat with success germinating the Jals and White Bhuts.

I have now got 4 Antilles Carribean and 4 Fatalii's Germinating.


Haha no, just something to keep an eye on at work.

Though my office is in an open atrium and it would be tempting to try to get them to produce. I know I won't have nearly enough light.
You used a netbook as a heating mat to germ. That is funny. Those things do get hot but I never gave thought to using them for pepper germination. Brilliant idea. Keep us posted on your progress.
Here is my office crop. 2 Prik Kee Nu, 2 Cayenne, a sweet Jalapeno, a Prairie Fire and a Guam Boonie. You can definitely get pods from an office plant if you choose the right variety. So far I have only got the Prik Kee Nu's to produce, the cayenne and jalapeno are starting to flower but I highly doubt they will set fruit under 1 26W CFL. The prairie fire has been flowering for a month but won't set a pod to save its life. The Boonie doesn't want to flower at all.

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr