• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Sairaxx Glog 2012

Greetings Everyone,

This here gloging will more or less be a collection of images of my greenery and green tech, little bit different than a chronological grow log, but certainly along the same lines!

Ill start with this


Picked up 8 of these guys today, letting them have free reign of the greenhouse. Never been a huge fan of the green anole, until I realized they would be the perfect addition to the latter!

So far, they favor the mack daddy pitcher plant hangin from the ceiling, there is a few pepper lovers though :)

MGOLD86: That it does! Within minutes a few of em already started nabbin up some buggers :)

The grow table/room this year



The main table has 320, 2x2 inch starters, about 8 feet long and resting on plywood that has two 40 watt heat cables zig-zagged underneath all the flats. I was bouncing around different ideas initially about the method in which I wanted to supply belly heat.....then it dawned on me.....duh! I had this heat cable (designed for reptiles) that I had never intended to use. I won it in some auction at a reptile show as part of the a whole deal package. Its a match made in heaven, the cable kept the soil at a comfortable 83 degrees.

The lighting consists of two I-Beam High Bay t8 fixtures that run about 190 watts a piece. The bulbs are 3500k and 6500k, three of each, alternating in each fixture, and each fixture puts out around 16,500 lumens. Totals on power consumption and output are: 380 watts at 33,000 lumens. They run about 18hrs per day, this is the first year I've used this set-up, and so far its beast!

The initial planting consisted of:

7 Pot
Aji Dulce
Bangalore Torpedo
Bhut Jolokia RED
Bhut Jolokia YELOW
Black Cobra
Devils Tongue
Habanero Orange
Habanero White
Habanero Chocolate
Lava Caribe
Numex Sunrise
Pasilla Bajio
Sweet Cayenne

2 Weeks in, We have some green faces now! The Xela, Lava, Orange Habs, Bhut Yellow, and Fish were the first to get going.


2 weeks later, so 4 weeks in now, the original guys are lookin might fine I do say! Newcomers to the world are the Aji Dulce, the pasillas (these exploded almost overnight) fatalii, tabasco, choco habs, bangalore and 1 lowley white hab.



The empty cells are brochachos that did so good, they were rewarded with a transplant and graduated to the greenhouse :)

The 7's, black cobras, red bhuts, and devils tongues were a bust to the maxx, 6 weeks in, and no signs of life. A little curious soil probing revealed dozens of crappy dead seed cases......I watered them......with my tears.....spread the dirt and a-bid goodbye. All in all, a good start to the 2012 season!
Your grow is really good and the pictures are awesome. I love the addition of reptiles.....man if I could only do that I totally would. You have skills my son. I really like the other wild plants you have growing. (not in this glog) The one with the big purple speckled flower with the extension coming out of the middle. Love it. Thanks again for everything. You are the man, and I will bring some goodies for you of my own when I come over and check all of this awesomeness out. Glad you reached out into the interweb dude. Always great to meet new good souls.

Dayum! Picks this up, blows the dust off, examines closely and begins to type.......

People of THP, the time for an update has once again presented its self once again. Between work, the gardens, the animals, the lady, time seems to flow like water through a cheesecloth made of the most absorbent material on earth, with no bottom or end, that increases in velocity the longer you remain. From this point forward, I will try to keep a ready hand slightly dipped into the glog a little more often. Bear with me, the pictures below are covering from the end of may, through today, this years grow has been epic to say the least. With three solid months left in the season, I feel like a kid on Christmas eve every day I go out to the gardens, cant freaking wait to see the full potential of the plants!

At the end of may, I made a trip to Greg's (Pic 1) plant sale and made some sahweet additions to the grow. Might I quickly add that Greg Is one legit, down to earth dude, who is certainly down with the peppah. Thanks again man, by the way your sauces are notably amazing , and I'm currently out of them.....lol they went fast.

Here is the initial plant out that consists mainly of the 22 gallon utility tubs, the ones along the shed are 9 gallon nursery pots, this was on May 27th.

This is them as of a few days ago

They have been going in to beast-stage growth over drive! As far as fertilizers go, they have been feasting on cold processed squid and cold processed seaweed. With some tea party action on a bi-weekly basis. On the big row, the plants from front to back are as follows. 7 Chicauanas #2 (I need to get some clarification on this one), Indian Carbon, 7 Jonah, Fatalii x Cleos Dragon, 7 Barrackpore, Chocolate Habalokia F3. The row against the shed from front to back, TS Butch T, Cajun Belle, Pusa Jwala, Fatalii, Chocolate Habanero.

By the entrance to my backyard, there's a coupe of ghosts that welcome you

May 27th

July 2nd

July 9th

On the left are Red Bhuts, then in the middle African cape crinum lilies, finishing with Yellow Bhuts on the right.

The Yellow Bhuts were my control pepper this year, There is one planted in each one of my grow locations.

Yellow Bhut in 10 gallon smart pot.....looks like a hosta!

Bonda Ma Jacque

This is the other plant that I need help with an Identification on, the plant label was lost in transit. Greg, I got this one from you, I thought that it was Roatan Pumpkin, but now after seeing yours its obvious that its certainly not. The pods are beginning to ripen to a big bird yellow. Any ideas?
Time for some serious Pod Pornage for all you pepper freaks out there

Butch T around mid Juneish

Now with 40 plus soon-to-be ripe scorpion bombs

And More

Cajun Belle goin nutso, I see you, you little ripe morsel of excelence......that guys going into marinated chicken stir-fry tomorrow for sure.


Pusa Jwala, this ones turning out really cool, there's over 60 of these bumpy twisted pencil pods on right now.

7 Jonah

Jonah, you lookah so damn nice!

More pics to come very soon

I like the cajun Belle. Ima hafts get those seeds for sure. I love it.

Those Fatalii's look mean! Grrrrrrrr

As well as the Jonah's

The pencily bumpy ones look like green beans in that pic lol. They are cool for sure.
Spicegeist: Thanks!

This was the first suesy lookin pod off the Fatalii x Cleo's Dragon

Someones been liking their squid and seaweed shakes eh? Plant champion you are buddy, this is my favorite plant to watch grow and hang out with, its full of magic tricks....you'll see :) Pods are rockin the gnarly train now.

Like a rabbit out of a liderhozen.....sha bam! A wha? This plant is starting to throw random variegated leaves out....hidden genetics? Well its damn awesome in any case.... I'm keepin my eye on you!

What a cool species, Goats Weed

Red Savina

Another just awesome plant, the pods are so textured and organically shaped, its killing me waiting for the ripe-ness to bequeath its self upon the plantings...
7 Barrackpore

Gonna be some bombs off this one!

I stumbled upon the guardian spirit of the Barrackpore today in my daily plant time, we conversed and shared some tea, his slightly different than mine. Hes in the bottom left of the pod if you didn't see that..... ;)

Hey Alex,

Your garden is smokin! Hot!

Those large tubs will bringith large plants.........little voice from voodoo plant told me so...............ha

I like the "Vignette" photography. It draws ones eye into the photo

Looking at the unknown plant......hmm, If it had more of a tight clusters of chili's I have to say it's possibly a "Purira" but it could also be the Hawaiian chili "Pele".
The fruit is too light in color to be the "Chicago Sport" or not narrow enough to be either the "Ethiopian or Malawi" bird.........well let's just hope it taste great

Good luck with the rest of your season,


Thanks man! Got some new photos of the yellow mystery chilies with the glog update today,.......taste good?....do they ever ! One of the best tasting peppers that I've had to date actually, they have an explosive citrus/sweet, almost lemon like taste initially, followed by mild to medium heat, kind of like that of a super chili or so. Awesome plant, awesome peppers .


oh yeah bro, mega pods indeed, there's hundreds of pods out there right now! If you find the time is right this summer, head down an check out the grow freak! Was up in the Keno on the 4th, Danielle's parents live right by the boat launch, what a bust this year! Usually there's so much activity and rukus going on over there, the po po's had everything shut down hard, and stuck around the entire day. Next time I'm up, I'll hit you up, maybe grab some big star and trade some pods :)

Well, while we had a short hiatus from the excessive heat of the prior week, it seems it has bequeathed upon us once again for the start of this week. Damn the water bill is going to be huge next month.

Many of the first pods have been ripening throughout the week, and I've been harvesting and eating almost all of them! I was real proud and slightly shocked by my girlfriend yesterday, I got home from work and she told me that she ate one of my peppers....oh really? Which one? She showed me half the pod that was left, it was the fatalii x cleos dragon. Damn lady! Way to jump right in for someone that is not custom to spicy or hot foods :) She said it almost destroyed her, but wasn't too terrible and actually kind of liked it afterwards. Sweet, I think someones gettin the itch for the heat :)

Now some pics

Heres the "Yellow Mystery Chili"

The plant itself is going ape, there's well over 150 pods set right now

Check out dis freak! This strange individual I call the "horse pepper" lol, its a sweet cayenne that seriously knows how to hang out.....alright alright enough of the suggestive innuendos, however 3/5 king was telling me that there was a long pod contest, if I can locate it and its still valid I may have to enter this.

This plant was picked up a nursery in Kenosha WI labeled as "Bhut red ghost pepper" I have it labeled "Milaegers Bhut" as of now, does not look like typical Bhut Jolokia pods, however they are rather bumpy/spiky kind of like "Indian Carbon" any circulating ideas on what it looks comparable to? Maybe Bih Jolokia?

Earlier this year when picking out plants for the yard, I spotted a leaf on a firecracker vine (also spanish flag vine) that showed just a hint of variegation, well a few months later this plant is a jaw-dropper. Along with standard variegated leaves, an offset of the main vine has gone "extreme variegated" and is lacking chlorophyll altogether. As far as I know, and have been able to un-earth, this is the only cultivar in existence of Ipomoea lobata that exhibits these traits. Exciting stuff!


Pontederia cordata, purple pickerel weed, blooming in the container pond.

Got A killer shot of the Bengal Spotted Ornamental (Poecilotheria miranda) last night, I feel like there should be a small adventurer approaching her vicarious den.

Good Vibes,

Dang Alex, you brought it with this update! Love it. A little bit of everything you got going on over there.

Your woman is awesome man! I'll have to find me a woman that likes the heat...or else she just won't survive the relationship....lmfao

Love that verigated vine! The "horse pepper" omg...lol I will have to search for that thread for you. I think LunchBox is in on it. I'll ask him.

That picture of your ornamental is gnarly. He is a beautiful specimen.

Everything is lookin good in the hood man. Ttys
Nice upate Alex,

The yellow mystery pepper is the "Aji Limon"......and 150+ pods sounds correcto...

The leaves on the "Jolokia" plant are not the typical pointy wavy type. But the pods do resemble the Bih Jolokia and its probably as hot as a car hood in 100+ deg temps.......................ha

Greg, Thanks for the ID on the yellow pepper, they are certainly one of my favorites of the year so far. Going to make some Aji Limon vodka, not a vodka drinker myself, but they will serve as great gifts for the clear liquor lover friends and family.

Ay Ken! (jsschrstrcks) Your powders are quite elegant and delicious sir! To the sairaxx glog audience, if you haven't already, I suggest that you do whatever it takes to get your hands on some of this, collect change from your car, your friends car, ect. The blend goes well with anything, and the scotch bonnet is sure to add a jerk spice/kick to your foodings, smacked with flavor!

The rains that swept through a few days ago brought some much needed relief to the plants and yard, lets just hope that we can expect at least one good rain a week from this point forward......! Also in response to the sky water, the plants threw out some rapid growth, I love being able to walk outside and notice the change. The micro eco-system within the plants is really bad ass to observe, and entertains me every day. On any given evening there are dozens and dozens of spiders and unique insects out and about, living within there own realm of reality, truly creatures of the night ;) How about some pics?

The Bhut/Crinum sandwich by the gate is doing mighty fine, one of the "wild" morning glories has taken a liking to the side of the house and is beginning to climb the siding.

Aji Limon

Bonda Ma Jacque

Pusa Jwala

7 Barrackpore poddin like a biznatch

Goats Weed ripening up, dammit I Love this Plant!

Made the first sauce of the year, it turned out great! It takes you through three distinctive flavor changes upon a tropical palate space ship. The citrus and carrots really put a damper on the heat of the hard hitting peppers, you have to eat a bunch to get that desired heat level. But it worked out nicely, as everyone has been a big fan of it so far, even co workers and friends that are weary of any thing containing hot peppers gave excellent reviews. What went to this one;

7 Pod Reds, Dorset Nagas, Orange Devil Habs, TS Chocolates, Chocolate Fatalli, Yellow Bhuts, Super Chilis, Pineapple, Mango, Kiwi, Orange, Lime and Lemon Juice, Red and White Onions, Garlic, Carrots, Lemon Balm, Dill, Basil, Salt and Cider Vinegar.

I was talking to the head of the Local Farmers market, currently she pointed me in the right direction to have a stand in the market. Pretty stoked, would love to be able to share my peppers and sauces locally!

Today I leave you with this, Its the snake in my avatar and one of my favorite animals of all time forever and always; Drymarchon couperi, The Eastern Indigo, in my opinion this is the holy grail of colubrid snakes, shes a 2010 and at 4.5 feet right now, these snakes get quite large, about 6.5 to 7.5 feet and 10 to 14lbs or so.

Good Vibes,

Awesome pics Alex. Your plants are just out of control! I'll shoot you a pm one day soon man and make it over there. That sauce sounds and looks amazing too bro!
Great update Alex. Great photos, both content and quality.
REally nice looking plants and pods.
What will you do with the anoles once winter comes?
Ooooo La La, plants are looking so healthy! That Barrackpore is a beast. I really like that Drymarchon couperi, he is a beautiful snake.