chinense The Sour Patch Australian Lantern Habanero

In fact I got this one 100% wrong. The pepper I reviewed was The Small Peach Lantern NOT The Australian Lantern. It is my mistake and has nothing to do with Joe`s labelling. 
Another great one from Ajijoe. Thanks again, Joe. 
This was quite a different one from almost every other pepper I`ve eaten this year. The aroma is C.chinense, but different in a way I found very difficult to put into words. There is a little fruity smell as well, but quite muted. When you bite into this one there is a huge Whoooomp of heat that makes you think Uh Oh, this might hurt. But the peak heat is over with very quickly and it settles down to be a really nice, mellow heat. As the heat is messing with your brain, the flavor does it too. It is initially a soft C.chinense flavor, then very sour. Much more sour than any pepper I`ve ever had by a mile, but as you chew that fades quickly to leave more and more sweetness. 
I like sour, so I liked this one a lot. Really different flavor profile and heat effects more like some of the Brazilian peppers such as Cumari do Para. Very cool variety indeed!!!
sorry nigel this may be my bad as i sent both types of lantern at the same time because this is not the Australian lantern but the Small peach lantern hab, the Australian lantern is smaller and orange, i think i sent you a few
i could tell by the shape and size
its an easy mistake to make because they are close, i prolly should have sent one or the other but not both
the small peach lantern hab is a small bushy plant that is very prolific and has black stems and small leaves
still in all im happy you like them
im hoping you will still review the real Australian lantern as thats one of my favorites
still wonderful review
thanks your friend joe
Sorry, everyone. This is my mistake, not Joe`s. This is, in fact, The Small Peach Lantern NOT the Australian Lantern. I`m very sorry for the mix-up
Nice review again Nigel.
I'm sure you already have a really good vet out your way, but if needed Dr. Stoddard in Norco (Animal and Bird Veterinary Medical Center) is an excellent Bird Vet.
Not sure how much he is there anymore as he is also really involved in his AVID Microchip Company. But its an excellent facility with several good vets specializing in psittacines. 
Nigel said:
Sorry, everyone. This is my mistake, not Joe`s. This is, in fact, The Small Peach Lantern NOT the Australian Lantern. I`m very sorry for the mix-up
no problem Nigel and i hope birdie will be ok
thanks your friend Joe
Thanks for the time to post this great review.  It is great to find out that there are peppers  (Australian Lantern) that is both hot & sour.  I am based in Sydney, Australia and learned of this first time.  Will have to get hold of these 2 varieties for my next year growth.  I also like the shape of both, they look the same to me and would be good if you can post these 2 pots side by side for comparison.