• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

The trouble with being a chilihead noobie

This topic will be ongoing and aid myself as well as hopefully other newcomers to the chili  pepper world.
I have come into a very generous supply of pods both hot and super hot in scoville ratings. A huge thanks to Judy @ PEPPER LOVERS.
The trouble is, many pods do closely resemble in appearance those of other pods.    In this topic, I will present pictures ( 2 full pod views and a section view) and a description (mine) of the flavour, aroma and burn. and in some instances my guess as to what I would identify the pod in question. Others are encouraged to offer their impressions and evaluations on any pods.
I will catagorize pods by (POD#1), (POD#2) throughout the topic and ask that  no pictures be posted except as reply with (quote) to the OP POD# in reference as to not dilute or confuse the initial intention of the topic. I will in addition to unidentifiable pods also post known pods with the same criteria to make this topic not only informative to myself but also others who may be pod obtainably challanged.
Brown moruga, I cut this pod as I was typing to start this topic. the aroma which is very fruity, became very strong as it rested. taste wise it is mostly fruity and earthy with a slight smokiness to it. an ever slight sweetness  with absolutely no bitterness at all.heat is quick to the throat where it is most intense and migrates to the back of the tongue. I am only tasting very small pieces so this description may be lacking in the the pod is only affecting the small areas of the mouth that is came in contact with. search pod reviews for a more in depth idea of what actual heat is capable of. hottest I have had, Rates 12
WARNING- do not eat this pod or any parts of it without first putting something else in you stomach. It will destroy you!

POD#2   Suspected ID
Spicy mustard habanero, very fruity and spicy aroma. initially, very sweet taste turns to heat at the back of the tongue and throat and eventually radiates to the tip of the tongue were it bites good and lips .A good over all heat that would be excellent for a sauce. does not have the typical habanero taste that turns many people off. I am impressed with this pod. I suspect this to be the mustard habanero based on appearance. Rates 1 1/2 -2
POD#3   UNKNOWN ID               7 POT WHITE
Unknown, Aroma is very citrus. very unusual taste. citrus as well a slight tartness and a subtle sour. heat is concentrated on the tip of the tongue the lips and the throat and more intense than POD 2. I do not think this is an habanero but maybe a congo. On a scale 1-12 brown moruga being a 12 this pod rates 4.I have to admit, this pod is surprising in that I have had to revise the scale rating twice since I started typing. seem this pod has a slow build up to peak.would make a good sauce and dry powder pod as well as in a pot of stew.
This pod has the most fruity aroma of all so far. it smells so good it beckons you to pop the whole thing in your mouth. Heat goes right to the throat where it feels like it is a laser cutting a hole in one spot. Because the burn is so instantaneous and my  tolerance is not to the point that I can distinguish taste beyond the heat of this pod. The description will be lacking in that aspect. This pod rates 9
POD#5           UNKNOWN ID



This pod does not exhibit any intense aroma but has a very slight fruity scent. it carries that scent into its taste. initially it is slightly fruity and pleasant to the palate. heat is concentrated to the entire tongue but not to the extent that is uncomfortable and is easily tolerated. peaks quickly and moves to the lips before subsiding. Rating 1 1/2


Podz are sneaky.
F'r instance, I've had a 7P White that made me cry, and a Douglah that wasn't any hotter than a Hab.
Some of those suckers will sneak up and bite you when you aren't looking.
POD#6        UKNOWN ID
This pod resembles pod 5 in general size and shape. The aroma is similar but more intense in this pod. Very fruity and inviting.
This pod has a good initial taste but is short lived. Heat is almost immediate to the throat and tip of the tongue but mostly the throat. I had thought that this pod was going to be a little more palatable than pod 5 with maybe a little more heat to go with it. well, heat it did have.  rating 3

Gotrox said:
Podz are sneaky.
F'r instance, I've had a 7P White that made me cry, and a Douglah that wasn't any hotter than a Hab.
Some of those suckers will sneak up and bite you when you aren't looking.
The 7 pot white was the most deceiving of all the pods so far. I had originally rated it at 1 1/2 - 2 and it kept building and of course I had to revise my original valuation, twice.
My nose is burning up!! I have been working on some more pods and Dr.ing a oncoming cold. Well, needless to say, but I will. working with hot peppers while dealing with a sinus issue, not good bed fellows.
#4 could be a red Douglah but its hard to tell # 5 looks a lot like my Chocolate Naga cross,  I can't say what #6 might be.
IDing pods now days can be a struggle  as there is a lot of accidental crossing going on as its a lot of trouble bagging blooms or whole plants, which I have done in the past. It can be very hard to keep large amounts of peppers from crossing especially if your growing several varieties.  This year I grew a red Brain Strain that had some pods that reminded me of my red Moruga Blend pods, but that is as far as they went. While a red trinidad scorpion that I grew had crossed and didn't look like a TS at all, but as it had nice flavor I kept a few seeds to grow at another time.
These pods are from a online seed vendor and was marked as ghost peppers. I think not. but I don't know what they truly are. Quite fruity aroma, sweet taste with an acidic undertone like that of a bell pepper. heat is Jalapeno level but I may have picked the pod under a less stressful condition and that may account for low heat grade. rated 1. It is a nice flavorful pod and if a little more heat could be pulled out of it, it might make an interesting addition. seems fairly prolific.
I should add, the second bite got much warmer. I got a considerable amount of placenta in that bite which brought heat level up to a 3 and subsided in a minute or so. Still, an interesting pod.
#1 is a brown moruga - Judy has some amazing brown morugas - watch for FBI video on it - 
#2 COULD be a yellow moruga.   My best guess, just perhaps a bit malformed.
#3 is a 7 pot white
#4 is a 7 pot primo
#5 is a 7 pot brown(douglah)
#6 is a 7 pot Red I believe.  

Post #14 
Those are NOT Ghost  (Bhut Jolokia)
Please post the online seed vendor in Venors section and let people know you did not get a Ghost.
Unless it was an honest mistake ?  It sounds scammy.
I would recommend getting seeds from Judy at www.pepperlover.com  - or Jim Duffy at refiningfirechiles.com
You can't go wrong with either of them.

As to fun factor ? Go with the Jooooooders
She's in my opinion  ? #1 in the world.
On care, fun, product, AND delivery.
NattyIce5 said:
#1 is a brown moruga - Judy has some amazing brown morugas - watch for FBI video on it - 
#2 COULD be a yellow moruga.   My best guess, just perhaps a bit malformed.
#3 is a 7 pot white
#4 is a 7 pot primo
#5 is a 7 pot brown(douglah)
#6 is a 7 pot Red I believe.  

Post #14 
Those are NOT Ghost  (Bhut Jolokia)
Please post the online seed vendor in Venors section and let people know you did not get a Ghost.
Unless it was an honest mistake ?  It sounds scammy.
I would recommend getting seeds from Judy at www.pepperlover.com  - or Jim Duffy at refiningfirechiles.com
You can't go wrong with either of them.
As to fun factor ? Go with the Jooooooders
She's in my opinion  ? #1 in the world.
On care, fun, product, AND delivery.
Thx for the feedback
I was not eating whole pods, and I realize much is lost by not consuming a considerable amount of pod to get a realistic idea of the taste and heat. but my tolerance being what it is right now, wont allow me to do so. But with that in mind, wouldn't 7 pots and morugas rate higher than what I rated them?
Regarding the venders section, Much has already been posted about this vender and I would rather not stir that pot again. I will however be getting my seed stock from reputable people.