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The Worst Rain I can Remember!!!

Just managed to get my plants through the 60mph gale force winds we've had over the past 2 days by building a huge fort around them and amazingly there was no damage. But now we're getting continued torrential rain, in one week we've had more than twice the amount of rain than would usually fall in the entire month of june and there's alot more to come (when you consider we usually get alot of rain here anyway you'll understand the severity of the situation).

I have half my plants in a plastic greenhouse type thing so they're ok but it's the ones in the raised beds that I'm worried about, they won't resist root rot forever so I really need an effective shelter from the rain to cover my 6ft by 6ft bed, does anyone have any ideas? Ideally it would be a thick clear plastic sheet with 4 supports and a larger central support to allow the rain to run off it, the only plastic Ive found so far is either incredibly thin and/or is only sold in very large quantities.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Sorry Matt, i can't really offer any help, but just wanted to sympathize with you and your conditions :(
I'm originally from Cornwall, and recently phoned my mum who is also trying to grow chillies back in Cornwall and she said the summer has been horrendous so far. Fingers crossed it gets better for you...

Thinking about it, theres some corrogated plastic for roofing called Corrotherm or similar that's pretty strong...but it's not the cheapest stuff on the planet. You could probably knock something up out of that?
Hi Matt,

Tom King here (originally from Maidstone). Good luck with the rain, and I hope you've got some plants going from the seeds I sent you. We're having a lot of hard rain here in South Carolina, but the chiles and tomatoes are thriving in it. Of course, the temperatures are to their liking.

Cheers, Tom
Hi nee, a beautiful part of the world is Cornwall. I just got back from an astronomy holiday in Bradworthy (right on the Devon, Cornwall border), and it was such a spectacular area, bit peed off to be back in my London suburb now :tear:.

Thanks for the support, I'll need it, I'm looking out my window now its absolutely sh*tt*ng it down and has been for ages, haha!

Hi Matt,

Tom King here (originally from Maidstone). Good luck with the rain, and I hope you've got some plants going from the seeds I sent you. We're having a lot of hard rain here in South Carolina, but the chiles and tomatoes are thriving in it. Of course, the temperatures are to their liking.

Cheers, Tom

Hi Tom, Good to hear from you again. I had 4 amarillos and 3 datils which were doing good but my brother accidentally (and I must stress accidentally) tripped near my windowsill and struck the poor defenceless plants, sending them on a long journey down to the floor. 2 amarillos and 1 datil survived, the datil is doing well (considering the weather) but the amarillos are struggling a bit.They will make it, I feel optimistically about that, but the weather needs to start co operating :cool: .
dont know if they call it the same there sooo.

3/4" or larger schedule 40 pvc (the thick walled stuff) build a frame using this or u can use steel pipe if you want even more....

using the same size pipe as the frame but class 200 pvc(the thin walled stuff) cut it in half length wise and in small pieces a few inches long.

take plastic sheets and using the class 200 pieces snap the plastic to the frame. so make frame appropriate dimensions to the plastic sheet!

Good luck!

I did something similar to this in survival and recon training...simple, can be modified further to fit your needs, and it works well short term.

Hope this helps
heres a blog going over it i just randomly picked up by searching "pvc greenhouse"

the snapclamps they are showing is what you would be making by cutting the class 200 into pieces so i guess someone makes them already lol
you can bring them up to Norfolk and put them in my 25ft polytunnel if you want ha ha (smug) :cheers:

Seriously though what about a 6 x 6 plastic sheet from B & Q? (other large DIY stores exist) It might be a bit flimsy but with the right support....?
North Florida just got 15" inches in some places. Georgia is soaking it all up they been in a drought for a couple years.
Thanks for the help everyone, I've ordered some thick see thru sheeting from amazon (even tho I had to buy 150m of the stuff!) hopefully it will be coming soon and I'm sure I've got some stuff in the garage to knock up a simple frame. I think I might be too late tho... http://thehotpepper....31530-bac-spot/

North Florida just got 15" inches in some places. Georgia is soaking it all up they been in a drought for a couple years.

We've had the dryest start to the year on record followed by the wettest, its crazy!!!

I sympathize Matt. We just a almost 10 straight days of rain, and ive been freaking out. Good luck!

Thanks Scratch, I think I'm gonna need it ;)
The wind had pretty much balded out my Trinidad Scorp, Scotch Bonnett Yw, and Choco Bhut. The wind we were getting was really strong, and its so dry here it was pretty much sand blasting my plants. We havent had very much rain here at all. Thankfully I have the majority of my plants on hydro so they bounce back pretty quick. You can send some of that rain this way, we could sure use it.
The wind had pretty much balded out my Trinidad Scorp, Scotch Bonnett Yw, and Choco Bhut. The wind we were getting was really strong, and its so dry here it was pretty much sand blasting my plants. We havent had very much rain here at all. Thankfully I have the majority of my plants on hydro so they bounce back pretty quick. You can send some of that rain this way, we could sure use it.

I would if I could dude believe me :)
Rain around me a lot too!!!!!!!! Sick of it!!!

I have just kept most of my plants in small pots because of the rain, trying to fertilize when ever I get a chance.
The wind had pretty much balded out my Trinidad Scorp, Scotch Bonnett Yw, and Choco Bhut. The wind we were getting was really strong, and its so dry here it was pretty much sand blasting my plants. We havent had very much rain here at all. Thankfully I have the majority of my plants on hydro so they bounce back pretty quick. You can send some of that rain this way, we could sure use it.
I hear ya man, me too here in Vegas!
Seems its raining everywhere? like Nee im ex-pat UK (Milton Keynes) and know the situation your in, there's only a small window to grow chilli`s in the UK & rain is not what you need, fingers crossed for a glorious "English" summer.

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At least it's not windy anymore.

I only had 5 potted plants blow over and a few snapped branches. but cranes at construction sites were blown over, ships have lost sea containers, trees uprooted etc
For thick plastic check builders suppliers or proper serious hardware stores. Otherwise get the biggest bin bags you can find and doub'e/triple or quadruple fold them over.
Ah well that what you have to expect with cheap crappy tin roofs installed by cowboys, poor standards.

We had the wind here, lost a few pods, knocked a couple of pots over, ripped my tent in places & now the ground is soggy & wet.

Mezo. (ex WA sparky who lived in cheap crappy tin roofs daily)
You call
At least it's not windy anymore.

I only had 5 potted plants blow over and a few snapped branches. but cranes at construction sites were blown over, ships have lost sea containers, trees uprooted etc
For thick plastic check builders suppliers or proper serious hardware stores. Otherwise get the biggest bin bags you can find and doub'e/triple or quadruple fold them over.

You call that wind? See Hurricane Andrew, Katrina was just a rain event compared to Andrew, been there done that..