• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheBuck78 2014 Mighty Niagara Grow

So here next to the mighty Niagara Falls, most talk of the power of the falls and the energy it produces. My family, friends and neighbors speak of the nuclear pods I produce in my backyard!

This will be my 3rd year growing but more so 2nd devoted to mainly peppers. Last year was a pretty solid year. Thanks to many kind chiliheads and of course Judy, the varities have grown? Its like an obsession. More more more

This years grow consists of the following:

Brazilian ghost
Red bhut jolokia
Peach bhut jolokia
White bhut jolokia
Chocolate bhut jolokia
Naga morich
Moruga brown
Moruga scorpion
Carolina reaper
Fatali red
Red congo
Yellow congo
Brown congo
Orange congo
7 pot primo
7 pot jonah
MOA scotch bonnet
Brown scotch
Yellow scorpion
Yellow devil tounge
Red devil tounge
Yellow brainstrain
Mako akokosrade
Aji limon
Tabago scotch
Tabago seasoning
Giant jalapeno
Thai hot
Lemon drop
Kung Pao
Peter piper
Pimente d espelette
Chiero ricife
Blue mystery
CAP 691
Bradleys bahamian
Numex twilight
Hot banana
Sweet banana
Bulldog hungarian
Candy apple bell

So yeah a little crazy, at least that's what my wife says. Only seeds I failed to get were the Bubble Gum. I ran out of room anyway.
I hope to keep this interesting for everyone!

I started 2 trays last weekend ( mainly supers). They are on heat mats and under domes. So far I have 3 hooks that popped up today. 1 yellow brain and 2 reapers. I'm suprised since my reapers took a while last year. Pictures coming soon.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing my adventures! Good luck everyone!

ok ok pics coming now. Sorry for links will upgrade soon
Tray 2

Carolina Reaper


Yellow Brain Strain

White Bhut Jolokia

Lemon Drop

And question? Should i get this wood out of there. Seems to be molding quickly

Devv said:
Nice list!
way cold up there!
Yeah especially during these Polar Vortex's!!!! 10 degrees now, -5 on Tuesday. Makes it very expensive to grow indoors
I was raised in NY, LI, warmer than where you're at.
The Polar Chingaso hit us too. We saw 20's, way colder than normal. I know here the cost of using lights to grow hasn't raised our costs..but then again we're in Tejas...and in a coop.
Stay warm and keep it green!



Here are some of my over winters for the year. I have lost 2 of the 15 I brought in. A Bhut and a Jalapeno.
It is fun to be gardening inside while outside it feels well below zero with the wind. Hello Alberta clipper!!!
Well done Dave....looks like another spicy growing season. Great that you are so close to the Falls, beautiful spot, we try and go down once a year...I'm on the other side of the border, north of Toronto.
Thank you Penny! Yeah I absolutely love being so close. I hike the gorge and falls all the time. It's an amazing place. So many people here live so close and pay it no attention. I do not get up north too much anymore. I used to frequent when I was younger for the Canadian rock music scene ( not just for drinking age lol). Have a great grow!
Okay well it has been too long of a leave for me. Since the last time my peppers have been growing very well. My germination rates have been through the roof. I have 273 pepper plants growing right now at various stages. The varieties have ended at 64. I'm starting to run out of room in my grow room. I am not sure what I am going to do with my non-peppers. I went a little crazy with extra plants due to my friend that has invited me to join his stand at the local farmers market. I plan to sell some plants at a low prices. I really just want to recoup a little change but more so share the fun and painful moments these wonderful things can bring. Later in the season I hope to have the bounties that will allow me to share fresh peppers as well. Wow I am really excited for this season. I have some fun ideas for some sauce creations this year and my annual garden party should be a blast this year. Everyone is interested in my grow (Except my wife, lol).  Well I shall be more frequent from here on forward. Now on to some plants that wanted their pictures taken....

Yellow Fatali

7 Pot Primo

7 Pot Jonah

Kung Pao

Brazilian Ghost

Moruga Brown

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Pepper Stripping Tests

Couldnt let my babies die!!!!

Grapefruit Tree soaking the sun

Another Citrus

Rose of Sharon tree I am growing to give to my mother. Its from a seed from my trees in the backyard. Very slow grower

Penny said:
Those all look amazing!! :dance: 
Thank you so much Penny. I wanted to take more but I will save them for another day. things are going so well. I'm just worried about my vacation coming up!
Penny said:
That scotch bonnet looks fantastic!
Thanks! My MOA's have grown these super huge leaves and are keeping a low profile.
That's one that I haven't tried, is growing anything citrus.....I should look for a lemon or lime tree this year.
Penny said:
That's one that I haven't tried, is growing anything citrus.....I should look for a lemon or lime tree this year.
The Meyer Lemon is great. I grow random lemon trees from store bought seeds that will probably never produce good lemons but the scent from the leaves is amazing. some are almost fruity pebble like. A good place to get dwarf citrus trees at good stages is Four Winds. How is your grow going this year?
We have an amazing garden centre a short drive away and I have often thought of getting a lemon and a lime tree for the deck....plus they are darn good in drinks!! :party:
Thank you for asking, my grow is going pretty good ;) , I had a major problem with aphids :rolleyes:  but that seems to be under control, I did lose a couple plants but chalk it up to lesson learned ;)