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Theres a heat wave coming my way! advise?


Staff Member
So i live in southern california and it looks like theres gonna be a heat wave coming my way early next week. Temps expected to hit 105 or 106. Any advise on what do do for my plants when it hits? They're hardened off well but have not been exposed to temps anywhere near this yet. I have a feelng its gonna hit them like a brick. And advise is appreciated. They are all in pots by the way so I can move them if need be.
During the Adelaide summers on my afternoon sun facing balcony we had temperatures of 45 degrees - 113F
I sprayed the foliage with a high quality fulvic acid and while there was some sun bleaching of the leaves they suffered no wilting
High quality fulvic acid products I know for a fact are NTS Fast Fulvic in Australia and BioAg Ful-Power in USA / Europe
If you cannot / will not find a decent fulvic acid product you can also create a compost tea, strain it and spray it on the plants. There is no need to aerate it as you're not aiming for microbe populations