THP Titles?

What the hael??? Warning points for JayT and Siccy? What the hael did I miss?
you are some baaaad dudes, man.
When I got mine, boss told me to think of them as "love sprinkles".  :rofl:
hogleg, don't feel bad, you will get a love sprinkle one day. I am sure of it.  :rofl:
I received a warning point for posting an ad without paying. It was for graphic art or web design for anyones hot sauce label or business site. The mods took that one down reeeeeaaallll quick. Which I understand, because I didn't know it was a big deal. Now I understand :)
sreinhard88 said:
Post Scale:
0: New Registrant
1: Hi! This is my first post.
2-99: Mild (1 Bottle)
100-499: Heating Up (2 Bottles)
500-999: Hot (3 Bottles)
1000-4999: Smokin' Hot (4 Bottles)
5000+: On Fire! (5 Bottles)
Hmmm, I'm not at 5k yet. Need to post more I guess .