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overwintering Three day winter Douglah germination courtesy of Monsier Chapman-


Got Douglahs ans Cappacino Habs off of my friend Chapman. I had almost given up trying to germinate them after three attempts. So , I tried a new method. I put seeds on the soil, then with tissue on top of the soil and seeds. Added water, and put a bottle lid on. I put them inside in the night- underfloor heating and then balcony Sun-trap in day. Worked a treat, unreal result for me.Really looking forward to seing the Doug and Capp Hab (hope).

Check photos, three days on my balcony. It's -3 outside in Korea today.

Hope it doesn't come across in a bad way. Was just amazed cos I'd tried three times 3/5.Almost run out of Habs, Douglahs had almost finished.It's Winter and I'm bored , so wanna experiment. Mostly disappointments, must be a few thousand experimenters on here.

That's two out in a week with this method in Winter- maybe not that good- these are Douglah's. Revving up- 6 weeks till spring. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69948603@N03/6677653165/in/photostream/